Chapter 3

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Lauren had always hated Sundays.

She wasn't sure why, but that particular day of the week had always been a bit of a downer for her. Maybe because it was the end of the weekend. Or maybe because she was never really sure as to whether she should relax or work.

Today was Sunday and Lauren had woken up in a weird mood. She wasn't angry (she definitely wasn't happy). She was empty. She was tired. She checked her watch to see that it was almost 9 AM.

She groaned, dragging herself out of bed, before finding a note on her nightstand, "Hey, Jauregui. I tried waking you up at our usual time but you were out like a light so I let you sleep. See you later, loser xo"

Lauren smiled slightly but grimaced when she felt the stabbing pain in her left temple. She rubbed at her scar, but the pain only got worse.

Just as she was about to walk into the bathroom, there was a knock on her door. She sighs, walking over to the door and opening it to see Camila. She was wearing another hoodie, this one being maroon, along with some grey jeans. "Is this a bad time?" Camila asks and Lauren shrugs, walking back into her room.

Camila follows and stands awkwardly at the side of the room. Lauren sighs, "You can sit down, you know. It's not a hard concept to grasp." Lauren said, kicking the door shut a little too hard. Camila flinches at the noise and heads towards the door, "I'm sorry, I'll go-"

"Wait, no, Camila," Lauren began, grabbing hold of Camila's hands, "I'm sorry. I'm in a weird mood. Please, sit down. I'm sorry. Don't leave." Lauren said, biting her lip. Camila nods slightly, sitting on the edge of Lauren's bed.

Lauren grabs a random t-shirt and a pair of black jeans from her drawer before turning back to face Camila, "Could you turn around for a sec?" Camila nods, turning to face the wall as Lauren undressed.

"So, what's the matter?" Camila asked as Lauren pulled her pants over her legs. "Do you ever have those days, where you kind of just..." When Lauren doesn't finish, Camila just nods in understanding. Camila understood how hard it could be to describe any form of depression, "Yeah. All the time."

Lauren pulls her t-shirt over her head and sighs, rubbing at her face, "You ready?" Camila turns around nods, "It's Sunday today, right?" Lauren nods in return, and Camila smiles slightly, "That means no classwork, right?" Lauren nods again but frowns, "You still need to get your work from your parents-" "I told them not to come." Camila said.

Lauren frowns again, "What? Why?" Camila shrugs, "Because I don't want to see them right now. Come on," Camila said, taking Lauren's hand in hers, "Let's go get something to eat and then I'm gonna cheer you up." Lauren smiles at Camila's efforts, "You don't have to-" Camila stops and looks back at the taller girl, "No, but I want to."

Lauren smiles and allows Camila to drag her along with her to the den room for some breakfast.

After they had both filled their trays with food they headed off to find somewhere to sit. Lauren saw Jacob and Mahogany sat together and sighed, "Can we not sit by them today? I can't deal with Mahogany right now." Lauren said. Camila nodded, "Of course. Come on," she replied, walking over to an empty table at the edge of the room.

Lauren was distant, and she wasn't eating her food, either. "You're not gonna eat anything?" Camila asked. Lauren shook her head, "Not hungry." Lauren replied, pushing her tray away from her. Camila frowned and handed Lauren the granola bar she'd picked up, "Come on, at least it this. Otherwise you're gonna be a zombie till lunch."

Lauren half-smiled at the smaller girl and accepted the food. Once they had both finished eating, Camila guided them back down the hallway from which they came and towards their rooms. "We're going back to our rooms?" Lauren asked, sounding a little disappointed. Camila laughed, entering the code to open her door, "Do you trust me?" Camila asked Lauren as she pushes the door open and walks into her room.

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