Chapter 6

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A/N: sorry not sorry but i am actually kinda really sorry!!!

Come Monday morning and both girls were still as smitten as they were before, but they were both too busy dreading classes to focus on their newfound crush.

Camila had finally allowed her parents to visit her yesterday, so Lauren wasn't the only one with schoolwork to complete.

"Did you see how much work they handed me?! I haven't been to school in two weeks, not two years."

Camila groaned, dropping her head to the pile of worksheets on the desk in front of her. Lauren and Jacob simply laughed, Lauren rubbing the small of Camila's back to comfort her. Mahogany on the other hand, rolled her eyes, "Get over it, princess. Believe it or not, the people here don't give special treatment to the kids they pity: otherwise we'd all be school-free."

Lauren scowls at Mahogany, "Give it a rest, would you?" Mahogany rolls her eyes once more before leaning back in her chair, resting her feet up on the table and bringing her book up to her face.

Lauren turns back around to see Camila hunched over her work, her face practically touching the desk. The older girl leans down and whispers into the younger girl's ear, "Don't worry about her. She's just grouchy because she was meant to finish that book and write an essay on it a week ago. Also she's just generally an asshole,"

This earns a giggle from the younger girl and Lauren can't help but feel like she's just won a million dollars. Lauren would do anything to hear Camila laugh.

Lauren continues to whisper, "So don't be down about her... Or else."

Camila finally lifts her gaze from her work and eyes Lauren challengingly, "Or else what?" she whispers in response.

Lauren smirks and quickly pinches Camila's side. Camila yelps and shoots daggers towards her. The older girl bites her lip, trying not to laugh.

The supervisor eyes them suspiciously before focusing back onto her phone.

"I am going to annihilate you." Camila whisper-shouts at the older girl. Lauren laughs a little, "Annihilate? That's a pretty big word for a small girl-" before she could finish her sentence, Camila begins to tickle the older girl's sides, leaving the older girl squirming and giggling in her chair.

"I think," Mahogany pauses to make a gagging noise, "I'm going to go sit over there." she says, pointing to a table halfway across the room. Jacob simply waves to Mahogany as Camila continues to tickle Lauren.

"C-Camz- Camz- Camila- Oh my God-" Lauren wheezes as the younger girl continues to attack her sides.

"Ahem." both girls stop their tickling and laughing and turn to the front of the room to see the supervisor staring at them. Camila bites her lip, trying not to laugh as Lauren mimes "Sorry" to the supervisor.

Once both girls turn back around, they break out into a fit of giggles. "You guys are so cute it's gross. I'll see you later." Jacob says with a laugh before joining Mahogany. Lauren can't help but smile wider as she admired the girl sitting before her. However, the older girl couldn't ignore the aching feeling in her stomach: the one reminding her that the gorgeous girl sat before her will most likely never like her in that way, and that liking this girl is a lost cause.

Little did she know, the girl sat before her felt exactly the same way.

It was now Saturday and Lauren had been on edge all week. Having a crush was meant to be fun, right? Wrong. It was driving her crazy.


Her OCD had been beyond bad the entire week and she felt like she was losing it. Of course, everyone was being as supportive as they could, even though the older girl was acting like a complete ass to everyone (which was a side effect of the no sleep; which was a side effect of the meds; which were side effects of OCD).

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