Chapter 4

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Camila wakes up to the sound of knocking at her door. Exactly 5 knocks, to be exact. She frowns, scratching her head sleepily before opening the door to find Lauren grinning like an idiot. "I only knocked five times." Lauren said excitedly, as if this were an achievement.

Which it was for Lauren. It was a big step in the right direction because lately, the older girl's habits were getting worse.

She had bad days and good days, just like everyone else.

Camila smiled back, engulfing her friend in a hug. "I'm super proud of you, Lo." They stood like that for what Camila thought was hours. They both hesitated as they pulled back and stopped directly in front of each others faces.

Camila's breath catches in her throat and she takes a step back, feeling her face heat up. What was that, Camila? The smaller girl thinks to herself

Camila clears her throat, rubbing at her arms and realising that they weren't covered. Lauren notices the panicked look in Camila's eyes and grabs the smaller girls hand, "It's okay. I promise it's okay. You don't have to hide them from me, I swear." Lauren says sincerely, rubbing Camila's hand with her thumb.

Camila's expression softens and she bites her lip. She had never been comfortable with people seeing her scars, and only after almost two weeks of knowing the older girl, Camila felt like she could maybe start wearing short sleeved t-shirts again.

The bandages that had been wrapped around both her wrists had been taken off a week ago. She now had two moderately large scars running down her forearm, starting from her wrist and ending at the centre of her forearm.

She hated herself a little bit more every time she saw them, and tried to cover them up as much as she could. But she was starting to realise that they were going to be a part of her for a while, so she may as well get used to seeing them.

Camila takes in a deep breath and looks up at Lauren, their hands still clasped tightly together. "Okay." Camila couldn't help but smile when she saw the broad smile appear on Lauren's face. The taller girl then engulfs Camila in a warm, long lasting hug for God knows how long.

Lauren is the one to finally break the hug. She smiles down at the smaller girl, "We should probably go. Otherwise we'll be late for breakfast and I am planning on stuffing my face before I have to endure any form of school work today."

Camila laughs at the older girl's words before grabbing a change of clothes and heading into her bathroom.

One amazing breakfast and their first class later, both girls were sat together for their last class of the day. It had barely been 15 minutes and Lauren was already groaning. "What's up?" Camila asks absentmindedly as she stared at her own school work.

Lauren let her head fall onto the table, another groan coming from the green eyed girl. All Camila heard was a muffled "Calculus makes me feel homicidal." before the smaller girl bursted out in laughter, "You probably shouldn't say that while you're in a mental-health center, Lo." Lauren groans again and Camila rubs the girl's back, "There, there. We only have another," Camila looks up at the clock and laughs, "Two hours and forty minutes left." Lauren groans once more, her head still pressed against the table.

The rest of the class had gone by smoothly. Lauren had spent the rest of it complaining, and Camila had spent the rest of it trying to explain Lauren's work to the stubborn girl. There was only ten minutes left before they were allowed to go to dinner.

"It's literally so pointless. When will I ever use calculus in my life? Ever?" Lauren groans once more and Camila rolled her eyes, "Quit being such a cry baby. Come on, do your work."

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