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hi mom how are you DDguess who

First off, love, what's the DD for? Have you been drinking? And second... I can't guess which of my children you are if you don't give me a hint at all because this is anonymous...


Now see, this is what I mean. Hi there NOT SON. I still don't expect you to call me mom, you can call me Lya lol I don't mind. Or "hey you" I don't care what you call me, love.

I too like spending my day multitasking otherwise I get bored

YES. Fam, I completely agree. If I get too overwhelmed I'll step away but nine times out of ten I'm good and I can get a lot more done that way. 

Did you know I crochet I crochet Not Sunny does too So does Ethan Lots of crochet Its fun You should try it

Not gonna lie... I have thought about it. I just haven't had the time nor the patience to do so. And yes, I've seen, you and your brother both crochet.



I'm pretty sure it doesn't send me emojis and I'm not sure why but that's just what it is.

Been a while since I did my classic

Classic what? Do tell.

Dont question the winky face btw its not weird its just something I do

Nobody is questioning it because it didn't show, so no harm no fowl. 

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