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Hi Lya How are you doing You should follow my friend GeorginaVail shes an awesome person XD Also Meow

Hiya! How are you? Shameless promoting - love that. XD


I'm... going to assume you meant 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 but there's a 20% chance that I'm wrong...

Helloo D I hope your doing well and stay hydrated I care about you stay nice and cozy undefined a blanket and drink hot coco D Guess who I am

Weeellllllll I am doing well, I'll have to get back to you on the uh... hydrated part... BUT I am glad to tell you that I am very much nice and cozy. Jasper keeps the fire going in the palace so trust me, I'm all good. And if I have to guess, I'm gonna assume you're one of my children or maybe my brother-

good morning

And a very good morning to you as well even though it's like 6 pm where I'm at. But I'm sure you sent that this morning-

I wrote a thing on the other one but Im gonna rewrite something like it here so you see it So it asked what I thought about Lya I think Lya is amazing D shes pretty nice loving creative and a great mom in general she deserves all the love and I hope you have a good day D

Jay is that you?
Whoever you are I hope you know that I love you very much. I love all of you!

hi mom its me KAngel i see i dont have a quote in your bio so should i make a quote for you

Well hiya sweetie! I know, I've been meaning to get one from ya but quote honestly I'm about to change all of it again so that I can have more room for a bit more and some music quotes or something-

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