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I know I lost cause when I see it Your secret admirer

*tilts head, confused*

Hello. Hello Hello. Hello Hello. Hello Hello Hello Hello.Hello Hello. Hello Hello. Hello Hello. Hello Hello Hello Hello.Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello.Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello.Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello. Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello. Hello.Hello hello. Hello Hello Hello Hello. Hello Hello.Hello (I was bored)

I can tell xD

*Hands you a hydra*

*takes it happily* oooooo thank you o.o

You could never have feelings for me Your secret admirer

No, but I can still be friends with you though. But it's up to you weather you wanna tell me who you are or not. *shrugs* either way we're still friends, especially if you're also on my discord. XD

I kinda want to murder my science teacher… I’m deeeeeffffffinitely not gonna do anyyyything

Definitely not 👀😅

Secret MessagesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon