All I want for Christmas is You

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Someone sits alone in front of his fireplace, sipping hot chocolate with tiny marshmallows. Christmas music is playing softly in the background. This person is Wei Ying, Dr. Wei Ying, to be precise. He is the most beloved pediatrician at Gusu Hospital. He is extremely bright, funny, and generous. So why is he sitting alone? He shakes his head to dispel these thoughts. Instead, he tries to think about tomorrow.

Tomorrow is December 1st; for him, this officially starts his favorite holiday season,  Christmas. As he gazes once more into the fire and listens to the popping and crackling of the burning wood, he begins to pray. 

First, to wake up to a winter wonderland of snow tomorrow. He truly loves to see everything covered in a blanket of snow. Everything brilliantly shone like sparkling diamonds.

The second is closer to his heart. He speaks out loud to the universe. "I'm so tired of being alone. I've never asked for anything for myself, but this year feels different. All I want for Christmas is someone to love and who will love me back wholeheartedly."

 He rises slowly from the chair and washes his cup before bed. With a heavy sigh, he climbs into his bed and hopes for a miracle. The following day, Wei Ying slowly opens his eyes. Then he remembered the weather forecast from last evening.

"Please be right this time", he thinks. He rushes to his bedroom window and closes his eyes before opening the curtains. Wei Yings lets out a sizeable happy squeal; everything is covered in snow, just as he wished. 

He runs downstairs and rushes through his breakfast. He wants to get to his office early today to start decorating for Christmas. He's smiling ear to ear as he brushes the snow off his car, making him look so much younger. Those who know him well say he is still a child at heart, refusing to grow at times.

When he arrives, his staff and the hospital are all buzzing regarding the arrival of a new doctor at Gusu Hospital. Today is his first day, but the gossip about him has already spread like wildfire. His head nurse, Ms. Lin, who felt it was her duty to be well-informed and amid things, told Dr. Wei what she had discovered about him.

His name was Dr. Lan, and although he is Chinese, he has been studying abroad in America for many years. He had not returned to China till now. His specialty was Otolaryngology (ENT for short), and he was also a pediatric surgeon. The rumors state he is cold and aloof and rarely speaks or smiles, but he was excellent in the surgical theater. Everyone wanted him, but he chose Gusu Hospital. The gossipers did not know that Dr. Lan Qiren, the top neurosurgeon at Gusu Hospital, was his uncle, and his uncle's best friend just happened to be the CEO of the hospital, Dr. Jiang.

Hearing all this, Dr. Wei Ying smelled a challenge. "Ms. Lin, I bet I can make him talk and smile at me."  

"A day off for me if I win, and if you win Starbucks coffee every morning. What do you say, Dr. Wei?" smirked Ms. Lin.

"Deal," laughs Dr. Wei. They shake hands and proceed to decorate the exam rooms with Christmas ornaments.

Later in the morning, Dr. Jiang escorted Dr Lan towards Dr Wei's office. As they enter, Dr. Lan sees an unprofessional person before him. His long raven-colored hair barely held back with a red ribbon. He's wearing blue jeans, and for God's sake, is that a lighted necklace of Christmas bulbs around his neck? All this while dancing to the tune of Jingle Bell Rock over the loudspeaker in the office.

Dr. Lan Zhan suddenly had trouble swallowing. He wants to look away but can not. That luscious and full bottom that is dancing in front of him has his full attention. Dr. Jiang coughs loudly, and suddenly, Wei Ying turns around. A million-dollar smile blinds both men. Lan Zhan gasped inwardly when sparkling silver eyes caught him with millions of stars in them. He definitely can not look away now.

"Good morning, Dr Wei. I came to introduce Dr. Lan Zhan to you as you might need to work together occasionally." He turns to Dr. Lan and says, "Dr. Wei is our top pediatrician. All the children and parents love him."

Dr. Lan looks at him and bows stiffly but utters not a word. Dr. Wei, however, is blown away by Dr. Lan. He is not handsome; he is devastatingly gorgeous. Then he notices his eyes; they are amber—the color of warm honey. One could get lost in those eyes.

Wei Ying extends his hand to shake but notices Dr. Lan has not. He shrugs; maybe he's a hugger. So he throws his arms around Dr. Lan in a welcoming embrace. Lan Zhan's face and ears turn crimson red. Dr. Jiang chuckles and says, "Dr. Wei, control yourself. Dr. Lan is not familiar with you yet."

"Please continue to get to know each other well. Dr. Wei, I expect you to behave and show him around, okay?" smiled Dr. Jiang.

Meanwhile, Lan Zhan quietly snarls at Dr. Wei,  "Doctor, will you please unhand me and let me go?"

Not deterred, Wei Ying says, "Oh, of course."  He did let him go, but not before he felt the strong arms of Dr. Lan. He giggles as he finally releases him. 

Lan Zhan groans inwardly but keeps a stone face. He thinks, "His laughter is like tiny, twinkling bells, and his touch is like fire. No, this cannot be happening. I just left one disaster; I'm not ready for any of this. I must keep my distance and not let him get to me."

So begins the dance of one pursuing and the other running away. Who will win this dance contest? Will it end well?

While walking in the hallway, Dr. Jiang spies his best friend, Dr. Lan Qiren.  "Hello, my friend. Have you seen your nephew? Did he tell you he met Wei Ying?

Just then, Dr. Jiang has an idea. "Lan Qiren, care to place a wager?"

"What kind of wager ?" asks Lan Qiren.

"That my nephew will have your nephew head over heels in love with him by Christmas Day."

"Oh, you're on. My nephew Lan Zhan will never fall for your frivolous nephew. No matter what, what are you betting? Growls Lan Qiren.

Dr. Jiang says three thousand and five hundred yuan. (This equals to 500 American dollars). To be paid on Christmas Day.

"Deal, have your money ready because you will lose," smirks Lan Qiren.

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