Final Weekend before Christmas Day

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It's finally the night of the Christmas party at CEO Jiang's home. It's two days before Christmas Day. The party is in full swing when Lan Zhan and Wei Ying arrive. Immediately, Wei Ying is swept away by friends and colleagues. Lan Zhan finds a quiet corner to hide in; no one speaks to him except for the occasional greeting, and he is okay with that.

Everyone keeps offering Wei Ying drinks, and he takes them because he is unwilling to offend. He doesn't always drink them, but still, he is getting drunk. He keeps looking towards Lan Zhan, who looks bored and mouths "I'm sorry" to him. Lan Zhan only slightly nods back to him. As long as Lan Zhan can see him, he is content. He wants Wei Ying to be happy. However, he is unhappy because a specific doctor, Dr. Xu, keeps hovering around Wei Ying and trying desperately to get his attention. 

Suddenly, Wei Ying felt like he needed fresh air. He's had too much to drink. He doesn't want Lan Zhan to worry but can't see him now. He'll only step outside for just a minute to clear his head. He is unaware he is being followed out.

He only looked away momentarily, and now Wei Ying is no longer in sight. Why was he so stupid to come in separately and not as a couple as Wei Ying wanted? If anything happens to him, he will never forgive himself. Dr. Jiang quietly whispers to Lan Zhan, "I think I saw him leave to the garden just a moment ago. It's to your left through the double doors."

Lan Zhan thanks Dr. Jiang and rushes outside just in time to see Dr. Xu trying to embrace Wei Ying to kiss him. Though drunk, Wei Ying struggles to get away and, in a panic, yells for Lan Zhan. Rage courses through Lan Zhan's veins, hearing and seeing what is happening before his eyes.

Lan Zhan pushes Dr. Xu away from Wei Ying and scoops him in his arms to take him home. While driving Wei Ying to his home, he keeps looking at the beauty of the sleeping man beside him. It took the scene of him being almost taken away for the last brick to fall from Lan Zhan's self-made wall. He was totally and irrevocably in love with this man. No more will he hold back. He will love this man forever.

Once home, he ensured Wei Ying was safe and comfortable and continued watching him longer. He will never tire of this sight. Wei Ying grabbed his arm as he was about to go to his own home.

"Will you stay with me, Lan Zhan?" He asked, afraid to look at him.

"Mn, I will," as he slides Wei Ying over in bed and pulls him into his embrace. They slept like that all night long till Lan Zhan received an emergency page to return to the hospital. He hated to leave Wei Ying. He kissed those soft lips and whispered softly, "I love you," to the still-sleeping man beside him. 

He left a note explaining that he would see him soon and was called back to the hospital. So that Wei Ying would not worry.

Later in the day, finally out of the operating room, Lan Zhan is walking towards the main hospital lobby, where he hears the most beautiful voice singing. Many people are standing in the foyer in a hushed silence, listening to the singer. Being taller than most, he turns his head towards where the onlookers are watching. 

After noticing that Lan Zhan is now watching, Wei Ying changes the song to All I Want for Christmas is You. He looks deep into Lan Zhan's honey-colored eyes, willing him to see all that is in his heart.

Lan Zhan moves forward slowly, caught in Wei Ying's web, never taking his eyes off him. The song ends just as they are standing mere inches from each other. Gently, Wei Ying pulls Lan Zhan closer to him using Lan Zhan's own stethoscope. 

In a whisper, he says, "All I want for Christmas is...

Lan Zhan takes Wei Ying's stethoscope, pulls him in closer, and repeats, "All I want for Christmas is... 

 They both looked deep into each other's eyes and smiled. They both repeated the line together. "All I want for Christmas is You." They hugged each other tightly and sealed it with a very smoldering kiss.

"You are truly mine, Lan Zhan? You Love me?"

Lan Zhan cups Wei Ying's face in his hands, "Forgive me, love, for taking so long to realize my love for you. I will make it up to you every minute of every day from this moment forward."

They kissed again, but this time, they were accompanied by the cheers and clapping of those who had witnessed their love scene.

Dr. Jiang and Dr. Lan Qiren were also witnesses to this scene. One is smiling, and one is in shock. "Pay up, Lan Qiren; your nephew never had a prayer."

Dr. Lan Qiren slaps the money into his palm and huffs away. 

Dr. Jiang walked towards the kissing couple with a stern look on his face.  

"Dr. Lan and Dr. Wei, this is not the appropriate place for this kind of behavior."

Lan Zhan and Wei Ying blushed hard from embarrassment. Dr. Jiang laughs, grabs their hands together, and places an envelope in the palms.  "Don't ask where it came from; just put this towards your wedding." He then walked away while smiling and laughing.

Suddenly, It hits Wei Ying what his uncle just said. He looks up at Lan Zhan, who smiles and nods his head in a yes. Wei Ying squeals loudly and jumps into Lan Zhan's arms.

It's Christmas night, and Wei Ying is sitting in front of his fireplace again, listening to Christmas music while watching the flames. But this time, he is not alone. This time, he is in the embrace of the one he loves and the one who loves him wholeheartedly. Christmas time will always hold magic for Lan Zhan and Wei Ying. It was when they found each other and the magic made them whole.

Merry Christmas, Everyone. May all your Christmas wishes come true.

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