Week Two

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During the second week, Lan Zhan was asked to see one of Dr. Wei's tiny patients for a second opinion. Wei Ying had explained that the four-year-old boy had stuck a pencil in his ear. To what end, he didn't know. He had been treating it with antibiotics and ear drops but gave the child no relief. The parents worried and asked if anything could be done. 

Lan Zhan examined the child and finally spoke to the parents. He was businesslike and somewhat aloof, stating the child needed surgery to repair his inner ear. He could do it within a couple of days if the parents agreed. 

Wei Ying could tell the parents were a little fearful of Lan Zhan. So, in his defense, he spoke, "I just want to let you know I trust Dr.Lan explicitly, and he is top in the field in this type of surgery. Please allow him to treat your son."

Quietly, the child puts himself in Wei Ying's lap and looks at him, "Dr. Wei, will you be with me, please?"

Wei Ying looks at Lan Zhan, who says yes with the tiniest nod. Wei Ying hugs the child and says, "Yes, I will stay with you the whole time, and I will be there with your parents when you wake up, okay?"

The parents and child smile bravely, and arrangements are made for the surgery. 

Several days after the surgery, Lan Zhan and Wei Ying sit together in a cafe. Wei Ying asked, "Why children Lan Zhan? You are not exactly a warm and fuzzy kind of guy."

Lan Zhan raises one elegant eyebrow, "They don't talk back or ask for my phone number."

"Seriously, Lan Zhan?" laughs Wei Ying.

"Of course not. I'm not a people person, but the surgeries fascinate and intrigue me. I'm always looking for the best solutions. What about you? Why a pediatrician?"

Wei Ying thinks for a moment, then smiles. "I've always loved children; those who know me say I've never really grown up. I think that's why I relate to them so well. I'm always searching for ways to improve the care I give my patients. So, really, in a sense, we're not that different; we have different approaches."

This gives Lan Zhan a lot to ponder on. 

Back at the hospital, Dr. Wei and Dr. Lan were unaware that they were the center of attention by all the staff. Spirits were high, and money was constantly exchanging hands. The betting pool organizer was Ms. Lin, Dr. Wei's head nurse. The board was well hidden, and bets were taken daily.

First, were they a couple or not?

If so, have they had their first kiss yet?

First date and who paid?

First sleepover and at who's home?

Who will say I love you first?

The list goes on and on with no end in sight. It just seemed to make the holiday spirit a little more merrier. The CEO has secretly placed his bet in all the pools in his adopted nephew's favor. Again, he noticed his best friend in the hallway.

"Worried?" he chuckles.

"Not in the least," says Lan Qiren. Who, by the way, has placed a few bets of his own on his nephew.

The week was busy and long, but Wei Ying and Lan Zhan occasionally talked or shared coffee breaks. Wei Ying knew he wanted to get closer, but Lan Zhan always seemed out of reach. He didn't push him away or open up to him either. So he quietly just tried to let him know by his actions that he would wait for  Lan Zhan to be willing to take a chance on them.

Lan Zhan, on the other hand, was finding it more challenging to stay away from Wei Ying. He was always in his thoughts but still tried to keep his wall up. It was getting harder to find why it should remain so, other than he was still wary of getting hurt again. But is that the reason? He is more than aware of the many hints and actions that Wei Ying is sending. He doesn't understand himself and wonders why not just give in. Isn't that what his heart wants him to do?

Dr. Jiang comes to Wei Ying's office and finds him catching up on his work after seeing his patients for the day.

"You look tired, Wei Ying; why don't you stop and just go home, or are you waiting for someone?" he smiles.

" No, uncle, I am not waiting for anyone, and If I go home now, it will be double the work tomorrow. I don't want to do it at home because I want to sleep," he chuckles.

Dr Jiang laughs with him and settles in a chair before Wei Ying. He also notices that Wei Ying appears sad and wonders if it's because of Dr. Lan. He had thought they were getting along a little bit. He coughs a little to get Wei Ying's attention.

"So, are you coming to the hospital Christmas party at my house? Are you bringing someone? You have two weeks to find a date, you know."

"I know, uncle. Yes, I am coming, and I am not bringing a date." sighs Wei Ying

"Why not ask Dr. Lan Zhan to go with you? "It would be an excellent way for him to meet people you know."

"I don't know, uncle, he's not a people person. His very own words. I will think about it, okay?"

"Okay, just a suggestion; I will leave you to your work, but don't stay here too much longer. It's not good for your health. Understood?"

"Understood. Goodnight, uncle," smiles a tired Wei Ying.

Wei Ying sits back in his chair and thinks about what his uncle said. Will he ask Lan Zhan to attend the party? He wants to, but will he reject him? It almost seems the more he rejects me, the harder I fall for him. Am I that hard to fall in love with? I don't know what to do anymore. All I know is that I can't give up. Deep in my heart, I know he is the one. Somehow, I need him to realize I am the one for him.

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