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This story will take place at the beginning of the 2023 season.


As I opened my eyes for the first time today, I saw my brother hovering over my face. "Oh, you aren't dead. In that case, get ready. We're going to the Prema factory today." I got up and shoved him out of my room before deciding to get ready. Digging through the back of my closet, I grabbed a cropped black top, light blue jeans, and some red high Nike dunks. I put some makeup on and went downstairs to get some breakfast.

"Well there the little princess is." My brother said, earning an eye roll from me. "At least people don't call me a dinosaur." I replied while grabbing some food. He smacked my arm before getting up to put his plate away. On his way over, he checked the time. "Shoot Maja, we have to go. You can finish eating in the car."

We got out of the car and walked in together when all of a sudden, Paul Aron pops out from nowhere. "Hey Dino! And you, what's up, Burnout?" Dino laughed, but I didn't find it nearly as funny as he did. "I feel bad for your girlfriend, she must get no respect. Oh wait, you don't have one. My bad, Firecracker!" Shoving him out of the way, I went to go find my engineer.

"PAUL!" I happily screamed, noticing my race engineer (not to be confused with Firecracker). "Yo, what's up little Beganovic!" He replied. "Beauvie, I'm like 15 minutes younger than him and we're the same height. Neither us are little."
     "Yeah, well, compared to me, you both are little babies." I scoffed and sat down next to him. "So what are we doing today, Beauvie?" I asked. "Oh, just some sim work. It shouldn't last very long, depending on how you do. Tomorrow we're taking team and driver pictures." He replied.

After about an hour and a half of sim time, I was finally told that I could take a break. "DINO, WHERE ARE YOU?" I called out. "He's in the driver's room with me, Burnout!" Paul called back. I sighed and made my way over there. "Dino, I'm gonna go pick up some food. Are you coming with?" I asked him. "Sure, I'm pretty hungry too. Do you want anything to eat, Paul?" He answered. "Oh, no. I don't spend money on Firecracker anymore, it's either both of us or just me."

After me and Dino picked up some food, we were greeted at the door by Angelina, our media manager. "Hey kids! I'm gonna need you both to try on your merch and racewear to make sure it fits for the first race." She told us. We nodded our heads and went to the drivers room to get our boxes.

I went to my changing room and threw on all of the shirts, thankfully they all fit nicely. I tried on the undershirt which was a little tight, but I had a feeling that the racing season diet would help me shrink into it. The race suit and the rest of the under clothes fit nicely as well. I took some pictures in the mirror and texted them to my best friend, Odelia. We ended up calling for a bit, and it reminded me of how much better she makes life.

"Hey, Maja. I was thinking about going out to dinner tonight with the Aron and Schumacher siblings. Are you down?" My brother asked. "Sure, as long as Firecracker is as far away as he possibly could be." I responded, with hatred dripping from my voice. Dino chuckled before shaking his head, saying, "Sure bossy, I'll try my best." And with that, we both went back to do some more sim work.

When I finished practicing on the sim, I noticed that Dino wasn't next to me anymore. All of a sudden, a voice came from the new person next to me. "Hello there, Burnout!" I gave him a death glare and got up to find my brother. I eventually found him talking to Ollie Bearman, one of the F2 drivers. "Dino, we need to get home soon." I told him. "Alright, but I was thinking that we could also invite Ollie and Fred? Just to fill up the table." I nodded, and with that, we were off.


I'm going to make each of these chapters shorter than my first book, so hopefully these chapters can be written faster. This week will be busy for me, but afterwards I should be good with timing. Anyways, I hope you like it. I chose these boys because they all could use a little more recognition :)

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