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"Maja, get out of bed. We're leaving in an hour, with or without you." Dino said, shaking me. I slapped his hands before shooing him out of my room. Once again, I pulled out a red polo. Who knew working with Prema also took up half of your closet? Anyways, I put on a cute black skirt and grabbed some red Nike dunks.

Running downstairs, I grabbed a bowl and filled it up with milk and cereal. "What makes you so happy this morning, Maja?" Dino asked. "Nothing much, just the first quali session of the year today!" I replied. He chuckled at my comment and continued eating his breakfast.

"Dino, go get dressed. You had the audacity to boss me around about getting ready but you aren't?" I sassed towards him. He scoffed and ran upstairs. When he came back down, he was wearing his red Ferrari junior driver polo and some black shorts. "Come on, Dino. You have so many different colored shorts but you chose those?" I asked him. "Of course, I gotta match with ya!" He cheerfully replied.

As we pulled up to the track, I grabbed Dino's arm. "Wait. Stay away from me at all costs until one or both of us is in our race suit. No 'sibling goals', alright?" He nodded as we both got out of the car. While Dino went to the Prema building, I walked through the paddock.

I soon found the PHM building and walked towards the door. When I reached it, I was greeted by Roberto Faria. "Hey Maja!!" He exclaimed. "Oh hey Robbie! Is Sophia here?" I asked him. He nodded and helped me find her.

"Omg, Maja! I missed you!" Sophia said as soon as we saw each other. We hugged for a minute and smiled. "Wow, you are so pretty Soph." I told her. "Me? Girl, look at you!" She responded, as we hugged once more.

As both Sophia and I walked down the paddock again, Paul and Dino came into our view. "Turn around now and walk the other way, Soph." I told her, "And don't ask questions!"

When we made it back into the PHM building, she finally asked why. "I saw Paul and Dino. You know about the Paul issue, and today Dino decided to match me. I don't wanna be seen with that man." She laughed and shooed me off. "We both have to get ready for quali. Now, go!" She said.

When I made it back to the building, I ran to Beauvie. "Where's Dino?" I hurriedly asked him. "Woah, woah, woah! Slow your roll, speedy! He's in the trailer changing." He said. I nodded, mouthed a quick 'Thank you', and went over to the trailer.

"What's up, speedy." He calmly said. "Dino, I asked you to stay away from me and you almost blew it. Now let me go change." I told him, with hints of sadness in the tone. He acted like he didn't know anything, and to be honest, he was right. I was making a fool out of nothing.

I got changed and walked out to do some warm-ups. "Hey speedy, we're gonna do some team warm-ups today." JJ said. "Okay, well first, is everyone just gonna start calling me speedy? I thought that was just a sibling thing? And second, you know I don't like seeing Paul before getting in the car. It messes up my mood." JJ and Dino laughed while Paul just scoffed.

"Alright moody children, we're gonna play some 2v2 soccer for 10 minutes. Get up or I'll force you two to be teammates." JJ screamed in our ears. We got up and both ran towards Dino. "Come on guys, I know JJ sucks at soccer but we can't play 3v1!" JJ pretended to be offended before calling Paul over. "We'll let the siblings be together this time, Paul."

After one heck of a game, we were finally ready for quali. "I'll see ya from pole, Dino. Don't be too upset starting behind me!"


Quali's gonna be next chapter, finally. If anyone watched the race, you'll know what the results are gonna be but that's whatever (I'm likely not going to change most races, there will be some exceptions). Anyways, this book should eventually graduate from the realm of the baby books into a decent length by the end of January (It honestly might take that long just to get to like 25 chapters tbh). Finally got this out after loads of writers block, but decided to introduce some more characters. We'll see what happens with them too !

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