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It felt like time had been soaring at the speed of light. Yesterday, it was Sunday, today it's Friday, and I'm in Australia?! I was zoned out in my thoughts before feeling a sharp pain on my forehead. "OW!! YOU LITTLE-" I yelled, seeing Dino running away.  I zipped my racesuit so that it would stay on my waist and ran after him.

"Brothers, am I right?!" I sighed as I looked towards Ralf. "Nah, that's just Dino. Paul, he may be stupid but he wouldn't smack me." He said, right when Paul ran in. He too slapped Ralf's head and ran back out. "You were saying??"

"Alright, Maja, can you go find Dino and Paul? We need to start warming up." I rolled my eyes and snuck around to the trailer where our stuff was. Both of them were sitting on the couch and I smirked. Revenge is a dish best served cold, isn't it?

I saw that they both had headphones in and clearly weren't paying attention to anything, perfect. I snuck in before running and slapping both of their heads with all my strength. I then ran to the safety of JJ, knowing that they wouldn't hurt me around any responsible adult (not that JJ's responsible, just that Angelina was around).

"You lucky snob, I'm gonna get you back for this." Dino said as he rubbed his forehead. "I don't think you understand how revenge works. You hit me, Paul hit Ralf, so I got you both back. That makes us even. Don't put yourself in that kind of debt ever again." He rolled his eyes before grabbing our soccer ball. "Not so fast, Dino. Maja actually suggested that we play flag football today."

"WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD WE DO THAT??" I giggled, knowing that out of us 4, I was by far the best. "Oh, and Nico's gonna take my place. I'd rather stay out the sports that you guys take personally." I gasped before grabbing Nico. "He's my teammate! Oh, and JJ, all games are personal. You make no sense."

At the end of our game, or more like 20 games, Nico and I won, 20-0. Each game went by pretty quick, as I'm a fast runner and Dino's just really bad. Paul, on the other hand, just treated it like hide n seek. "bra att du inte är ett proffs." I stated, sending Dino into a laughing fit.

Paul, Nico, and JJ were all very confused until Dino translated (after a few solid minutes of him cackling, of course). "She said that it was a good thing you arent pro in flag football." He managed to get out in between laughs. Paul rolled his eyes and went back to the trailer. "Dino, why in the world would you translate that for him??" I said as we walked back as well. He just chuckled and patted my head.

"Ralf, I can't believe he would just expose me like that!!" He chuckled and replied, "I would do that to Paul, so I'm not surprised that Dino did it to you." I rolled my eyes. "Why is no one on my side today? Jag hatar dig." He gasped. "DINO!! IT'S AN EMERGENCY! GET YOUR BUTT OVER HERE!"

He sprinted over. "I need you to translate. What did you say, Maja?? Like jaha tar derig or something." I started rolling on the floor, laughing. "Ralf, that does nothing for me. none of those sloppy letter combinations make sense." I burst out laughing again. "Ya can't always catch me like that, Ralf. Lycka till!" Ralf looked at Dino. "She said good luck. Hejdå." Ralf looked even more confused as we ran back to grab our helmets.

"I am speed. KACHOW!!" Dino yelled, pulling on his balaclava. "No, you're stupid." I responded, getting a death glare from him. I walked toward my car to see Angelina. "Good like, Maja! Don't tell anyone, but you're my favorite out of the 3." I looked behind her to see someone holding a camera. "Looks like you'll be the new star of LAP!" I said, smiling. I then hugged her and hopped in the car.

'Radio check?' I grabbed the steering wheel. 'All clear on my end.' I look towards Dino's side of the garage before replying again. 'Oh, and tell Dino to eat my dust.' I heard a laugh before Beauvie's voice again. 'Funny enough, he wanted to say the same thing. Just focus on yourself. I believe in you, and I believe in your talent. Next time I see you, I want a P1 driver.' I was already slightly stressed, but that made it worse. 'Ok, fine. I'll take you shopping if you manage to do that.' I immediately had a smile on my face. 'Man, Dino will HAVE to eat my dust now.' I could hear everyone laugh as I pulled out of the garage.

After quite literally weeks of writers block, I present you with chapter 9. I'm going to try and write a couple chapters to have em ready, but you know how it goes. No promises, just goals. I have been quite busy with school and sports though, so I'll just blame it on that. Anyways, I thought it would be nice to add a little touch of Swedish to make the story feel more personal, but I'm not fluent as of now and I'm using Google translate for a lot of this. If I made any mistakes, feel free to correct me!

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