Chapter 3: The Unexpected Capture

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The night loomed over the forest, a curtain of mysteries and unspeakable secrets. Caught in my thoughts after the encounter with the dragon, I did not perceive the subtle transformation of the air, which, from a gentle breeze, turned into a whisper laden with dark omens. The moon, high and distant, bathed the path in a pale and ethereal light, creating shadows that danced with a life of their own.

As I moved forward, a feeling of unease took hold of me. Every sound, every movement on the edge of my vision, seemed to point to a lurking threat. My steps, once sure and light, were now cautious, as if sensing the lurking danger.

Suddenly, my heart stopped. Emerging from the shadows of the forest, hooded figures materialized, moving with predatory intent. They were hunters, their eyes flashing with a mix of surprise and greed.

"There it is," one whispered, his voice cutting through the silence of the night. "A unicorn, just as we were told. Its horn will make us rich."

Another, stepping forward with a net in hand, added with a malicious smile, "I never thought it would be this easy. This magical creature is ours now."

I found myself surrounded, with no escape. Every possible route of flight was blocked by these relentless men. I tried to back away, but one of them lunged, throwing the net over me. I fought, kicking and trying to free myself, but the net was strong, and their hands, firm and experienced.

Captured and unable to move, I fell into a state of shock and despair. The hunters laughed and congratulated each other, triumphant in their hunt. "We've got it, boys," one said, securing the net. "Now, let's see how much they'll pay for this beauty."

There I lay, immobilized and trapped, a victim of human greed, my mind spinning around the uncertainty of my fate. In that moment of desolation, I longed for the presence of the dragon, wondering if fate would bring us together again.

Wings of Fire and Heart of Light: The Odyssey of the UnicornWhere stories live. Discover now