Chapter 4: The Fiery Rescue

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Captured in the hunters' nets, my heart beat with desperation. The darkness of the forest, once a haven of wonders, had become a prison. The hunters, preoccupied with their plans for fortune and glory at my expense, did not notice the subtle transformation weaving through the night air.

In the midst of my hopelessness, something began to change. The forest, which had fallen into a sepulchral silence after my capture, started to vibrate with an energy that did not belong to this world. It was as if the very earth was coming to life, responding to an ancient and powerful call.

The hunters, absorbed in their triumph, suddenly stopped. One of them, the most alert, lifted his head, sensing a change in the atmosphere. "Do you feel that, guys?" he murmured, his voice laden with sudden fear. "There's something... something isn't right."

Before they could react, the air filled with scorching heat. A deafening roar, more terrifying than any storm, echoed through the forest. It was a sound that spoke of fury and fire, of an uncontrollable power awakening from its slumber.

The hunters, now prey to their own fear, frantically searched for the source of that roar. "What is that!" exclaimed one, his voice trembling.

"Something's coming!" shouted another, futilely looking for a place to hide.

From the shadows, like a hurricane of wrath and flames, emerged the dragon. Its appearance was a spectacle of power and majesty. Flames spewed from its mouth, illuminating the forest with a hellish light. Its eyes, two burning embers, reflected a fury that knew no bounds.

Trapped in the net and lying on the ground, my world had been reduced to a mix of fear and confusion. Sounds of chaos and destruction filled the air, but I could not see who or what was causing such tumult. I felt the intense heat and the roar of flames, indicating that something formidable was happening beyond my limited vision.

Suddenly, the net that imprisoned me was ripped away with a brute and immense force. I found myself being lifted from the ground, shaken and disoriented. I couldn't see clearly who had freed me, but I was surrounded by a sensation of immense power and an overwhelming presence.

Then, with a speed that left me breathless, I found myself ascending through the air, moving away from the chaos and danger on the ground. The wind lashed my face and body, and for a moment, all I could do was cling on tightly, fearful of falling into the void.

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