Chapter 6: Dawn in the Moor

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Upon waking, I found myself lying in the moor, a vast terrain stretching as far as the eye could see, touched by the first rays of dawn. The soft morning sunlight bathed the landscape in shades of gold and pink, creating a surreal contrast with the events of the previous night. Around me, everything was peaceful, with only the gentle whisper of the wind for company.

As I rose, a sense of wonder overtook me. The experience of the previous night, being captured and then rescued by the dragon, had left an indelible mark on my being. I felt different, as if a part of me had transformed during that nocturnal flight. Questions flooded my mind, each giving way to the next in a whirlwind of doubts and wonders. What did that rescue mean? Why had the dragon, a creature both feared and revered, intervened to save me?

I looked up at the sky, now a clear blue canvas dotted with soft clouds, wondering if I would encounter the dragon again. The creature that had been an object of fear and legend now occupied a different place in my heart. In its act of salvation, it had shown not only its power and fury but also a capacity for protection and, perhaps, an unexpected bond with me.

In the immensity of my solitude, I felt small in the vast world around me, yet at the same time, part of something much bigger and more mysterious. The dragon had forever changed my perception of the world and of myself. It had shown me that, in the fabric of existence, legendary creatures and common beings are intrinsically connected, each playing their part in the grand mosaic of life.

As the sun rose, marking the beginning of a new day, I stood there in the moor, gaze fixed on the horizon. A mix of hope and curiosity filled my heart. Perhaps, somewhere beyond my sight, the dragon too was watching the dawn, and maybe our paths would cross again in this vast and enigmatic world.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2023 ⏰

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