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Hi guys. Miss Jane here 🖤

This is a 3 part only short series. Damien x Female within the same universe as Rhea and Florence. If you haven't read And Still, it's not essential, but there are hints and relations. I recommend checking it out.

Mature themes of course. Spicy, fluffy and all the goods! This is a gift from me to you for all the love and support I get. Thank you.

HJaneRipley 🖤⚖️


I'd gotten to Raw early today, because I knew she was beginning today, and she'd be here early too. Being shown around, how things work and I was going to be here to meet her properly.

About a month ago, I had just finished a meeting with Finn. On the way out, I saw her.

Incredibly long and dark red hair. The softest, yet the my detailed features I'd ever seen. Freckles. Tall. Perfect. She was the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen. So much, that I knew I had to figure out what she was doing here, as I'd never seen her before.

After a bit of asking around, and sounding creepy, I'd figured out her name was Penelope, but she goes by Ellie. She was around 30, and was beginning as a job today backstage in the production side of things.

Call me a stalker, but, if you saw her you'd understand why I was currently walking around casually trying my best to see her this morning.

It was impossible. I felt like maybe she wasn't here, or she wasn't coming at all.

Until I rounded a corner and ran straight into her, causing her to spill her coffee all down the front of her army green shirt. I nearly couldn't speak but I got the words out. "Shit. I'm sorry." And I picked up the coffee cup, standing to eye down her wet clothes. "I'm so sorry."

"No, you're ok." She laughed and it was the best sound I'd heard all day. It was a sweeter laugh than even Florence had, and hers was sweet. She looked at her shirt and pouted a little. "First day, certainly not the look I was going for. Did you know if there was a place I could get this changed?"

When he blue eyes laid on mine, I swear my heart stopped. "Um." I couldn't help but look at her lips. Damien... you're being so creepy. "I'm not sure, but I have a couple friends who could have something you could wear. You know Florence?"

She nods. "I do, she's amazing. I haven't met her, but I love her announcement style."

I smiled. "She's good at her job, that's for sure. I haven't met you yet, I'm Damien."

"Penelope, but call me Ellie." She said. "I of course know who you are. The Judgment Day are my favourite faction right now."

"Really" I smiled more. "How about a Judgment Day shirt then? I have a few, they'll just be a bit big on-"

"That'll be perfect." She said quickly with a huge smile. "Just lead the way." She looked at my face and I gave her a kind look before leading the way like she told me.

On the way to my dressing room, I got the courage and asked her. "Have you ever worked somewhere like this?"

She shook her head and she even did that so prettily. "Not like this. During my study, I worked as an assistant at a news show."

"I'd say that's sort of similar. We have lines we have to follow." I said.

"I guess so. I'm just a bit nervous. It's a lot of responsibility." Ellie said, shaking her shoulders out.

"I'm sure you'll do great. Just let me know if you need any help... Also, just pre warning, stay away from Isaac. He's this creep interviewer here, really, avoid him."

Infamy | Damien Priest | Sexy and Fluffy Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant