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After the show was done, I had to shower again before finding Ellie. I was so sore and so stuffed after my match. Not to mention I was sweating at the thought of spending the night with her.

I was searching the halls for her when I ran into Rhea pacing the halls. "What's up?" I asked her, worried about Flo. She was caught earlier in a physical fight with that asshole Isaac, and I was kicked from the room. I hadn't been able to talk to Rhea the rest of the night. Put in front of everyone, she was in a foul mood. Terrible. "Where's Flo?" I asked. Flo was the ring announcer, and she was also out there, and she hid all her emotions so well to get the job done.

"What?" She snapped like she only just heard me over her anger.

"Is Flo ok?" I repeated.

She shook her head. "Shut up. I can't even-" she gruffed.

"Where is she?" I asked, now worried.

"She's showering in here." She pointed to the bathroom next to us.

"And you're not right next to her?" I asked.

Rhea glared at me. "She wanted to be alone."

"Since when do you listen to everything she says." I crack. "You don't have to tell me what's going on, but, I'm here if you need to."

Rhea calmed down a little and nodded at me.

"Hello? Rhea?" Ellie's beautiful voice came from behind her, and when I saw her I nearly choked at her. I forgot how gorgeous she was.

When Rhea huffed and turned around, I very quickly realised Rhea was not in any sort of mood to talk right now.

"Not right now, Ellie." I moved and wrapped my arm around her shoulders, pulling her away. "Trust me." I whispered.

Ellie looked back at Rhea who was rolling her eyes and debating whether or not she should storm into the bathroom or not. She decided against it.

"She'll be ok. Her and Flo are the strongest couple I've ever seen. It'll be ok." I assured Ellie. "How was your first night."

"Um- yeah. Great, actually, well... obviously there's a learning curve, but, I think I did well." Ellie said.

"You'll get more comfortable as you do it more." I told her. "I didn't hear anything bad, anyway." I laughed.

Ellie smiled up at me and she put her hand on my back.

"You're hungry?" I asked, and she nodded ecstatic up at me. "Do you want anything in particular, or?"

Ellie shrugged in my arm. "Whatever you want."

"Well." I checked my watch. "It's 11:30pm... Taco Bell?" I laughed. "Sorry, I would take you somewhere nicer."

Ellie giggled. "It's fine. Maybe- do you have a car here? We can find a nice spot?"

She was so smart. "I know a great spot."

Making sure she got in my car alright, I started driving to the closest Taco Bell. I put my hand over and onto her knee, being soft with it to start, and then she put her hand on my hand, bringing it up a little to rest more on her thigh.

She was so...

"Tell me about your past." She said, looking over at me. "Did you grow up here?"

"I was born in New York City." I told her. "But spent a lot of my childhood in Puerto Rico. My family is there. I started wrestling because I did karate to begin with, and just wanted something more. I wanted to entertain."

Ellie smiled. "You definitely do."

"What about you?" I asked desperately. I wanted to know everything.

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