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"Aim the crossbow as if it's your arm."

A young Cheyenne struggled to aim it towards the cup set up on a rock in her Grandpa's garden.

"Let it fly when you think it is ready."

Cheyenne immediately let the arrow go and it soared down into the grass, and Cheyenne sighed in defeat. However her grandpa silently walked over to the arrow, plucked it out the ground and held it back out to Cheyenne.

"The arrow fell because it was not ready." He said as Cheyenne took the arrow back. "The arrow will fly when it is ready, as will you."

"I'll fly?" Cheyenne asked giddily.

"When you are ready." Grandpa answered.

Cheyenne loaded up the crossbow and aimed at the cup again. Her grandpa helped her aim more accurately. The arrow flew. The cup fell.

"Cheyenne Portman!" She heard her step-mum, Sofia, yell. "You better be out of bed or I swear to God!"

Cheyenne bolted out of bed. "Yeah! Yeah I'm up." Cheyenne called down.

Her mum walked into her room. "Your brothers need taking to school today, I'm late for work and so is your dad." She rolls her eyes. "So can you take them for me?" Her mum pouts.

"I mean, I guess I can-"

"Great!" Her mum exclaimed. "Pick them up too please."

"Can't they walk home themselves?" Cheyenne asked dryly. "They're 14 mum."

"And you're 33, shouldn't be in your own house?" Her mum asked.

"Can't get a job, school report is shit, remember?" Cheyenne raised an eyebrow and began looking through her wardrobe for an outfit for today.

Her mum sighs. "Yes, I do remember," her mum says gently. "But no swearing!" She quickly adds.

"I'm 33!" Cheyenne argues.

"And you look much younger, so no swearing!" Her mum says as she begins walking down the stairs.

"That's not how it works!" Cheyenne yells down the stairs.

"It is in this house. Quickly now, the boys have 20 minutes to get to school. Good thing you can drive." Her mum says while walking out the door.

"Yeah, she's not completely useless." Cheyenne hears her dad say from outside.

"She's not completely useless." Cheyenne repeats in a mocking tone.

Cheyenne hears the door slam and her brothers giggling. Cheyenne has the fastest possible shower of her life and then she quickly gets changed into some brown jeans and cream jumper that hangs loosely off the shoulders. She then runs downstairs throwing on her black trainers and then grabbing a croissant and pushing the boys out the door to drive them off to school.

"There! Right on time!" Cheyenne says proudly while parking outside the gate.

"Um, Cheyenne.." One of her brothers, Carlos, says nervously. "The gate shuts at 8:35, not 8:45." He finishes.

"It's 8:41 now." Cole, Cheyenne's other brother,  adds.

"You're taking the piss." Cheyenne snaps while turning around.

Carlos shrugs. "Wish I was."

"Why did they change the time? To earlier as well!" Cheyenne yells before jumping out the car and slamming the door. Her brothers take the hint to follow her out.

They enter reception and the boys get a lunch detention for being late. Cheyenne leaves and decides to go shopping at smart aid as she needed medicine for her grandpa's dementia.

Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon