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They were walking down a path when Jake awkwardly asked what their names were.

"I'm Worm. This is MC Dirty D." The boy nearest Jake answered in a thick accent.

"MC Dirty Bizniz." The other one corrected. Everyone here seemed to have a strong accent.

"I thought you changed it." Worm said.


"No, you did remember? When Ruth said MC Dirty Bizniz made it sound like you cracked your trousers."

"Yeah, but she said MC Dirty D sounded like a personal hygiene problem."

"Wait." Jake thankfully put an end to it. "Are these like nicknames or..?"

"Stage names. We're the sickest rappers in Wales." MC bragged. "Go on, Worm, show this Yank how it's done."

"What, now?" Work asked. MC nodded towards Cheyenne and Worm prepared himself, wanting to impress her.

MC started beatboxing as Worm rapped. "A' like to get wrecked down the Priest Hole. Your dad's always here 'cause he's on the dole. Our rhymes are tight, Yet I make it look easy. Our beats are hot like chicken jalfrezi."

They looked towards Jake for an opinion. "Oh, yeah, no. It's good." Jake said.

They looked toward Cheyenne. "Very impressive." She said with disinterest but Worm whispered a "yes!" And MC patted him on the back.

"You do know she's 33, right?" Jake asked Worm.

"What?" Worm looked at him.

"My cousin." Jake tilted his head towards Cheyenne. "She's 33. It won't happen." Jake said with an almost annoyed tone.

"Age is just a number, innit MC?" He asked.

Jake had to resist the urge to let his jaw drop.

The came to a stop at a cliff. "Should we, uh, take the shortcut, D?" Worm asked.

"We'll get there quicker, take it from me." MC said confidently.

"This way?" Jake pointed to down the dirt hill. Worm and MC nodded. Jake begins to slowly walk down the hill cautiously and Cheyenne goes to follow him but Worm grabs her wrist and says, "you don't wanna go down here it's slippery and sticky."

"Then why did you tell Jake to go down there?" Cheyenne asked. She looked down at where he was holding her wrist. "And let go of me." She snapped while yanking her arm away. She walked down to follow Jake but stopped as she heard a mud splotchy sound and sees that Jake has lost a shoe because it had gotten stuck in the mud. Worm and MC were laughing but Jake was unbothered.

"Is this even the way to the children's home?" He asked with annoyance.

"Right through those trees." They said as they pointed. Jake waited for Cheyenne to catch up when they walked through the trees.

"Bye, blondie!" Worm waved but Cheyenne ignored him.

Jake froze in his tracks as he saw that the children's home was destroyed and the roof was broken. It looked long abandoned and Jake felt disappointed at coming so far yet getting so little.

They returned to the pub, Jake with only one shoe and when Uncle Oggie noticed he laughed. Jake turned to him. "No use crying over a lost shoe boy-o." He said.

Jake walked over and sat down next to Uncle Oggie. "The children's home, what..what happened to it?" Jake asked desperately, wanting answers. Although Jake notices how Cheyenne did not really care for answers despite being as passionate as him about their grandpa's stories.

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