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(hello this is my first story so it might be a little bad I'm sorry about that but I hope you enjoy!)

The space craft was flying out of control,red lights flashed and loud sirens went off.
Two little girls sat hugging each other crying as the space craft picked up speed falling to an unknown planet.

Their dad flicked controls and pushed bottens but nothing worked. The space craft would not slow down.

A green little girl with purple bows and a dress on cried screaming almost louder then the sirens but not quit. The older green girl with a pink shirt and a purple shirt hugged her sister tightly crying silently.

The dad was now in full panick mode they where 105 miles away from the unknown planet and they were heading towards it fast.

The ship was spinning faster and faster but the older girl held on to her sister tight.

"It'll be ok" she whispered to her little sister.

Bits and parts of the space craft started to burn and fall apart. Then something strange happened the air craft hit an invisible force filled and the space craft broke into two.

The little girl accidentally let go of her sister but before she could fall the older girl who is named aliz grabbed her sisters hand who's name was Lil.

Grabbing a metel handle screaming "HOLD ON SIS!" But of course it was in a different language human couldn't understand.

Blue surrounded them but it was more of a white  blur. And before they new it...


Everything went dark...


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