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Minho POV


Steve grabbed a lamp and I followed him out of the room. We heard a weird noise and we're about to check it out. They had told me all about what had happened in the past 3 years and how Dorothy is a part of this. We had just broken into the high school. We were about to round the corner when suddenly Lucas comes running through. Steve was about to hit him when he began talking.

"It's me! It's me!" He said rasping from exhaustion.

"Jesus, what's wrong with you Sinclair!" Steve shouted and if the situation wasn't so dire I would have laughed.

"I'm sorry." He said, breathing deeply.

"I could have taken you out with this lamp!" Steve continued like a mom.

"Sorry guys, sorry." He paused, " I was biking eight miles. Give me a second. Shit. We got a code red." He finally said.

"What?" Steve asked.

"Dustin. I've been with Jason, Patrick, Andy, Dorothy, Thomas, and Newt. And they've gone like totally off the rails. They're trying to capture Eddie. And they think you know where he is. And you're in terrible danger." Lucas said.

"Yeah alright that sucks. But we've got bigger problems than Jason right now." Dustin admitted. A few minutes later while explaining to Lucas what had happened he pointed to me in question.

"Minho is here because he listened in on our conversation and then forced us to explain." Dustin said.

"Actually Lucas I have a question for you too." Lucas just turned his head on the side. "What did you mean when you said that Dorothy, Thomas and Newt went off the rails?" I asked.

"I mean they were helping Jason find Eddie."

"That doesn't make sense, Dorothy has been helping you guys. Why would she side with Jason? Thomas does whatever he can for his friends, so that makes somewhat sense and then; Newt, if Jason hurt someone, Newt would grab Dorothy and leave." I explained. They all looked in thought.

"I bet they have a plan." Dustin suggested.

"Probably, and we should go. Nancy's place." Steve said, and with that we left.

We sat around trying to understand the logic of this thing with Victor Creel.

"It's pretty straightforward." Dustin said, waking me from my thoughts.

"Oh really?" Steve asked.

"What's confusing to you?" Dustin said. "So far everyone Vecna has cursed has died, except for the Victor Creel dude Nancy found. If anyone knows how to beat this curse it's him."

"Yeah that's assuming that he was cursed, and we don't even know that." He paused, "How could Vecna have existed back in the fifties? It doesn't even make sense?"

"As far as we know, El didn't create the upside down, she just opened a gate to it. It could've been around for thousands of years, millions I wouldn't be surprised if it predated the dinosaurs." Dustin continued.

"But if a gate didn't exist in the fifties; how did he get through?" Lucas asked.

"Oh, and how is he getting through now?" Steve added.

"Maybe he has a spy?" I suggested randomly. They ignored me.

"Why now?" Lucas asked.

"And why then?" Steve added. "Just pops out in the fifties kills one family 'hmm I'm good.' disappears only to come back now and start killing teenagers. No, that doesn't make any sense. Straightforward my ass. You know Henderson, a little humility now and then wouldn't hurt you."

"Sorry." Dustin whispered sarcastically. We all then looked straight at Max. We were all concerned after finding out that she was the next sacrifice.

Mini description of what happens before going to Billy's grave: Nancy and Robin rushed downstairs and told us about their plan to get into the insane asylum to talk with Victor Creel. Steve became our "babysitter" as he put it. When they left Max handed out some letters. None for me because we just met. We then left to east Hawkins to go give Max's mom her letter and then to Billy's grave.

(I was too tired to write so I did this.)

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