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I sat down at the Wheeler's place at the table as Max drew what she had seen in Vecna's mind. It was mainly debris. I just ate some pancakes with syrup and scarfed 'em down. I'm used to eating quickly because in the maze I always had to leave early. Nancy sat down next to us.

"How are you holding up?" She asked.

"I'm fine, I just couldn't sleep." She paused,"people kept blasting music in my ears for some reason." She joked.

"But Holly let me borrow some of her crayons." She turned to Holly, "We've been having a fun morning right Holly?" Holly ignored her.

"Is this what you saw last night?" Nancy asked, looking at the drawings.

"It's supposed to be. I figured it would be easier to draw it out than explain it but..." she paused, "Not so much."

"What is that?" Nancy asked, grabbing a drawing with a door on it.

"It's like they were on display or something." Max commented, confused, "and then there was this red fog, everywhere. It was like a dream. A nightmare." She rephrased.

"Do you think Vecna's just trying to scare you?" Nancy asked like a therapist.

"With Billy? Yeah." She answered herself,"But when I got here I was something different. Like he was surprised. Or he didn't want me there." She said as Dustin sat down.

"Maybe you infiltrated his mind? I mean he was in yours. Is it that big of a leap to suggest that maybe you somehow wound up in his?" He suggested. "Like Freddy Krugers boiler room." He added.

"Freddie Kruger?" Holly asked.

"He's this super burned up guy with razors for fingers that kills you in your dreams." He explained.

"Dustin." Nancy commented.

"Sorry. It's a movie, not real." He clarified for Holly. "Just think about it. What if you somehow opened a backdoor to Vecna's mind."

"His Killzone." I whispered.

"Sorry?" Dustin asked.

"It's just what people where I'm from call minds or brains." I said.

"Speaking of, where are you from? You and Dorothy often say 'where I'm from' but you never actually say it. " Max asked.

"The Scorch." I muttered.

"What?!" Nancy whisper-yelled.

"A W.I.C.K.E.D base of course but we escaped and came to Hawkins."

"So you're all immune?" Dustin commented. I nodded and the conversation went on as normal.

"Maybe the answer we're looking for is somewhere here in this incredibly vague drawing. God! We need Will." Dustin continued.

"Yeah no shit!" Max said. "But I tried them again, it's the same busy signal." I noticed Nancy grabbing the paper, admiring it.

"Is this a window?" She asked Max.

"Yeah." The red head responded.

"With stained glass and roses." She seemed intrigued.

"See I'm not so terrible after all." Is that really all Max could focus on?

"Yeah well it helps that I've seen it before." Nancy comments. She began grabbing the papers and folding them differently. She took a sharpie and started tracing the lines.

"They're pieces of a house." Max realized as Nancy put on the window.

"Not just any house. Creel house." She said, standing up.

"Where are you going?" Dustin asked her.

"Waking the others." She responded, walking away. Dustin, Max and I got up to follow her. As Dustin passed Mr.Wheeler he grabbed a pancake.

"Fuel for the road." He shouted from down the hallway.

(Let me know how many words a short chapter is so I have an idea when I should add my story idea)

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