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I eventually arrived at the salon.

"Hi," I say as he walks out.

"Oh, are you here for a piercing?" He asks happily.

"Yeah, and do you do tattoos?" I asked.

"Of course!" He says happily. I sit down in a chair and he comes up behind me, "So where do you want your piercings?" 

"Through my nose and through my ears." I say.

"Alright then." And he gets to work. 

I had taken all of the money from the jar to pay for the piercings and tattoos. I was getting three piercings, so it was about $90. The tattoos cost 450$ per tattoo and I was getting two tattoos. A black widow spider on my chest, and a detailed Grim Reaper on my right arm. About five hours later, he finally finished. So the money came up to $990. Luckily I had brought with me $2000, leaving me with $1010. I thanked him and left to get some dinner.

It was now around midnight and time to go back into the upside down. When I arrived in the Upside Down, Creel house, I headed to a room that I'd already picked out and cleaned. I just decided to rest and plan what to do for tomorrow. 








Subject A0 The Daughter°✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang