Chapter 5.[Flashback]

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Short Chapter

United Kingdom, Belfast Naval Base, May 18th 1975

United Kingdom, Belfast Naval Base
Head Engineer Philip Durant was working on the Communication Network, trying to find a way to contact anyone outside of Mainland Europe, since the transfer all connection with North America outside of Fax Machines had been severely damaged, words couldn’t describe how he felt when he managed to hear the French, the same when the Soviets responded, At least they weren’t alone. As he turned on the Radio, it crackled, but all he heard was the Soviets automatic response “Comrades, This is Moscow, The Revolution is Upheld” speech, a vain attempt to keep their morale up while keeping NATO’s down, just yesterday, some punks tried to Shoot at the Queen.

“Fucking Piece of Shit!” He yelled

He slumped back down to the wires, he was angry, weeks without the USA Proper to protect them led to anxious panics of the USSR steamrolling Europe, with nothing to stop them, The British and French had lost most of their Power since the end of WW2. He wished he was back on earth, when things made sense.

He decided he would try one last time before he would call it quits and go to the pub, he checked to make sure all the wires were in good order, which they were, he sat down on the chair and flicked on the radio, he then had a idea, what if he placed it on a old WW2 channel? The lower frequency would allow it to travel further and while it would be harder to hide or understand, he would be able to bypass the technical issues. As he did that, he saw the radio come on and he grabbed the headset.

“Hello? Hello? This is Major Philip Durant of the Royal Navy of the United Kingdom, If you are American or Canadian, Please send a Message, I repeat, This is Major Philip Durant of the Royal Navy of the United Kingdom, If you are American or Canadian, Please send a Message” He repeated

Nothing, Philip felt his heart drop, that was until the radio crackled to life.

“Hello? Hello? This is Pierre Leblanc of err, Quebec Fisheries, Who am I speaking to?” A Thick French Accent replied

Philip felt his body go numb, it worked! Days of blood, tears, soil and sweat had paid off, he quickly replied.

“Yes Hello, I am Major Durant of her Majesty’s Royal Navy, It is imperative that I must speak to a chain of Command, Please patch me to the nearest Military Command” Major Durant replied

There was a short silence before Pierre spoke.

“Sure Buddy, Rough Weeks Eh? Ah Tabarnak de calisse! I Lost my Job to a Damn Hoser from Ontario almost” Pierre began to spout about Events in Canada, specifically Quebec and The French Canadians

Philip didn’t care, he was just happy to have finally patched the gap and gain a channel to the North American plains, within 1 hour he spoke to the RCMP, which then patched him to the Prime Minister, after which he was replaced as communicator with the base Commander, by the end of the day, the old channels were up and running at full capacity once more, with America sending the first message in a long time, a Clear order to all of NATO “High military Alertness”.

After weeks of trying, NATO was whole again, Now all that was left was to figure out what to do with the Red Bear and their Situation.


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