Chapter one

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I started getting ready for our link-up I was excited since it was the popular Desi people of school all meeting up for the first time. I found a casual outfit, an oversized dark brown hoodie with some black cargo and panda Jordan's. I finished my makeup and straightened my hair and I was ready. I had gone out with a few guys but nothing serious if you know what I mean, I'm waiting for the right one.

my skin was light brown but got tan in the summer my eyes were darker than the night sky and my hair was the color of charcoal. I grabbed my bag and my phone as I heard a honking horn outside.

I had four close friends in my circle. Anaya was the player, if you knew a guy who knew Anaya, she had either already spoken to him, gone out with him, or used him. Then we have Fatima, she was more focused on school and her studies than guys but liked to join us now and then. Fareeha was a mix of both Anaya and Fatima she was focused on school but she had gone out with a few guys. Last but not least Aisha she was a good girl most of the time but she had a boyfriend, who was in the friend group of boys we were going to see.

"Hey guys sorry I took long." Me and Aisha started this friend group, we have known each other since we were two. the other three joined us later. "Aisha you sure about this." she chuckled "Yes trust me you will have a good time." I nodded and we headed to town.

We decided to go eat first, so we went to Wingstop. When we walked in I saw five boys sitting at a table, "Hey babe." Farhan said to Aisha. Farhan was the only one I knew because him and Aisha were together. We all sat down and Farhan introduced everyone.

"So guys these are the boys. Firstly we have Rafee who we call Raf, He's a bit of a player girls so be careful with him," I looked over to Anaya and I knew He caught Her eye, "Then we have Zaaki who we call Zak, He's a study freak and is dying to pass exams," I didn't even need to look at Fatima. Wow this was turning out to be good.

"Isa Is a bit of a study freak and a player but in this Dunya (world) he is as good as it gets." Fareeha's type Exactly. while Farhan was explaining to everyone how good Isa was at maths the last guy caught my eye. he was sitting across from me and He was a pretty boy, Black curly hair, brown skin, and light brown eyes, even his style his green and white basketball jacket, white hoodie and blue jeans with black nikes He was perfect.

We made eye contact for a few minutes till he interrupted Isa talking about the Triangular fractions or something. "So no introduction for me?" Farhan sighed, "Sorry everyone this is Rizwan but we call him Riz and he hasn't done much he is a boxer but he's waiting for the right girl, right Zara." Farhan said winking at me but Instead of blushing I acted like I didn't care, "Mhm."

We all ordered food and talked until it arrived, Aisha was sitting next to me and she whispered, "So what do you think of him?" I KNEW IT SHE SAW ME STARING AT HIM, "Who?" I asked pretending I didn't know what she was talking about, "I'm your best friend I know you think Riz is fit." I scoffed and then smirked, "Okay he is but your sure he doesn't have a girl?" She rolled her eyes, "YES okay trust me."

The food soon arrived after that small talk and while We were eating, Riz kept looking at me and It made me nervous. so I decided to pull a stunt. I finished my food and used a fake calling app to call my phone, "Sorry guys I got to answer this, I'll meet you at the cinema upstairs, okay?" they all agreed and I walked out of Wingstop.

I went on the escalator up to the third floor where the cinema was and sat on a bench waiting for them to come upstairs. ten minutes later I sat was watching Tiktok's till I heard a voice in my ear, "Why did you do that." I looked to my right and there he was, "Why did you follow me Rizwan." he laughed sarcastically, "It's Riz darling and I wasn't following you. I was going to find something."

I gave him an 'ok' look and went back to my phone. Riz sat there and waited a few minutes then at the right time, He grabbed my phone, I gave him a death stare, "Give me my phone." He smirked, "How about no?" I looked in his eyes, I could feel the tension then I snatched it out of his hand and he was shook, "Wow your strong." I chuckled looking at his shocked face, "I have an older brother who does that all the time, Have to be prepared."

I got up as I saw Aisha and Farhan coming towards us, "Where have you two been?" we both looked at each other and said at the same time, "Nowhere." Aisha pulled me aside as we walked towards the cinema, "What was that?" She said excitedly, "I knew he would follow me out I could even feel the tension In Wingstop." She screamed happily, "Knew you two would like each other."

We walked in the cinema and as I was ordering a popcorn Riz slid next to me, "Can I add some nachos and a large coke to that to" He said smirking, I tried to pay but he pushed his phone in front of mine. "I was going to pay you know." "I was trying to be a gentleman." He said grabbing his stuff.

Farhan showed our tickets to the employee and we walked in trying to find our screen, "So you want to sit next to me?" I rolled my eyes, "You like me that much huh Rizwan?" Riz made an annoyed look, "Fine I'll sit with Anaya." I jumped and pulled his arm, "NO FINE SIT WITH ME." He went back to smirking and I let go. God what was going on...

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