Chapter seventeen

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"In the blue corner with a reputation of his first round KO's and a record of fifteen wins and zero losses we have Rizwan 'the sweet killer' khannn,

in the red corner we have the challenger with a record of six wins and eight losses we have Alex 'the atomic bomb' moltov."

The ref explained the rules to the boys and I was in between Farhan and Aisha, I felt so scared for him and Aisha gave me a hug and the bell rang. I watched carefully as both boys threw small punches not in proper contact yet. 'Only eight rounds left.' My Brain kept repeating the same sentence over and over.

My legs started to shake and I slowly started breathing. As I was looking around ring I saw someone I didn't expect to see, Jamal. I decided to ignore it till the next round started and was watching Alex get aggressive.

Alex tried to hook Riz but he slipped and came back with a jab straight to his face and blood came gushing out of his lip. The round had ended and both boys went to their corners with the coaches. I thought Riz was supposed to be first round KO. This is so strange.

Since The round had ended, I got up and Aisha stopped me, "where are you going?" I was staring at Jamal in confusion, "I'll be back in two." I walked down the Aisle and when I reached the end of the row, Zaid was standing in the way, I didn't even say anything and he spoke, "No." I was confused. "What do you mean no?"

He scoffed then whispered to me, "we don't need Boss getting distracted right now, sit back down." Zaid was right I didn't want to distract him so I went back and slumped into my seat. I looked at Rizwan and he looked at me and smirked, and mouthed 'I love you.'

Instead of mouthing it back, I stood on my seat and screamed at the top of my lungs, "I LOVE YOU SOOOOOOO MUCH, RIZWAN." he put his head down, shaking trying to hide the fact he was blushing.

I sat back down and my face went bright pink. After a minute of the boys at their corners round two started. I looked back to where Jamal was sitting and I couldn't believe he was sitting with moltov's family, it wasn't right.

This time Alex was being more calm and wasn't being as aggressive as before, both boys were getting good body shots until Riz hit Alex's face again and more blood was coming out of his mouth now.

'Come on baby, you got this.' I was praying that Riz would end the fight already but it's like he was playing a game. After a few more shots to the body the second round had ended. I was getting more and more nervous, but I kept thinking good thoughts.

I looked at the ring and saw Alex's coach also known as his father, whisper something to him and his face switched from calm to pissed in a second. Hayden moltov. Alex's Father, and a big part of the mafia apparently. Now that I think about it Alex always used to talk about how passionate his dad was for work and how he wanted to be the same.

The next round had started and I had a bad feeling. The round started how the others started and then slowly Alex was hitting harder, he gave a Riz a body shot that made him stumble but not fall. We were okay, Riz was okay, everything was fine.

Riz threw a right hand and hit Alex's jaw. I knew it. He was going to win. After that both the boys threw more body shots and the third round had ended. "Five rounds left." I said but I whispered so no one could hear me.

Riz was getting his body iced and I had a really good feeling he was going for the Knock out this round. Alex's face didn't look normal. His eyes, there were filled with rage and fury. Every round was a risk for Riz I don't want him to get hurt.

The fourth round was starting and I took a drink and I looked around at all of us and Farhan looked pissed. Aisha was talking to Anaya so I asked him what was wrong, "what's up?" He shook his head. "Come on Farhan I know I'm closer to Aisha but we're friends too what's wrong."

He put his head down and his hands were shaking. I was about to speak again but he spoke, "Aisha cheated on me with Zaaki." I didn't know what to say, I felt so bad for him and I looked over at her thinking why she didn't tell me. I gave him a hug and he hugged me back.

"I don't know what's going on with Aisha and I don't know why she didn't tell me how she was feeling and why she did it but if you ever need anyone to talk to or if you feel like you have no one to talk to call me, text me or even come over to the house."

He nodded and then we both looked back at the ring and the boys were throwing small punches. Again Alex's punches were getting harder. Rizwan threw a jab to Alex's jaw but this time Alex slipped it and hit a right hand to his rib and Rizwan fell.

I got up in panic but Rizwan got up cracking his neck. "Okay, he's okay." Alex made an evil smirk and then said something to Rizwan before punching him hard to the hooking him in the jaw and riz went down with blood spluttering out of his mouth. He wasn't getting up... why wasn't he getting up. I ran down the aisle and Zaid tried to stop me again but I pushed past him.

I was at the Edge of the ring and his eyes were closing, "Rizwan, baby can you hear me." I went into the ring and The medics were by his side and they called off the fight as Rizwan's eyes started to close...

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