Chapter twenty

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Great. It was raining. I knew the only safe spot that no one knew about and went straight there. I ran in the rain for half an hour till I reached the woods. I looked around and saw the wooden red bird, I was close.

I looked up and saw the ladder, I climbed up and walked in through the door. My old tree house. Me and Jamal made this when we were younger, to get away from dad as a distraction. It didn't work permanently but temporarily it was a good distraction.

It was like a small house than a tree house. It had everything, a small bed, some long lasting snacks, a mini fridge, some books and even a small tv. I'm pretty sure we stole dads card to buy half of this and Jamal got a bad beating for it but he let it happen for me.

I looked around, sat down and realised I don't know how it was still intact and in good condition unless... I looked through the small windows in the door and Jamal was standing there. It had stopped raining and He came in and I didn't say anything.

He sat next to me on the bed "I knew you would come here. I have been looking after it for you, ever since you stopped coming when you turned fifteen." I didn't say anything, "you have to run away." I looked at him confused, "what?" He nodded, "you can't marry him, he's an evil man and he doesn't deserve you."

"You can't be working with him and go against him." He looked down to the floor, "if it's the right thing to do, for my family I will." I shook my head, "no. The man... the boy I wanted to marry, moved on I'll do it." He tried to stop me, "but Zara..." I looked at him dead in the eyes, "no buts J, take me back."

We left the tree house slowly on the ladder and one of the steps felt loose but I ignored it since I wouldn't come back. We drove back and Alex was waiting. "WHERE THE FUCK DID YOU GO THIS TIME?!?!" I ignored him and Jamal walked into the kitchen.

Alex grabbed my hand and forced me upstairs. "Your staying here until tomorrow the marriage." He slammed the door and locked it with a key from the outside. There wasn't a lock on the inside, at least I had my phone. "Fuck where's my phone?!" I checked my pockets and it wasn't there, I must've dropped it downstairs.

I lay on the bed and just decided to sleep it off. I woke up to someone sitting on my bed. It was Jamal, "Are you sure about this? You can still leave now." I lay my head on his lap and a tear fell from my eye, "don't worry, I'll be okay."

He brushed my hair with his hands and for the first time I felt safe with my family. We walked downstairs and there was papers on the dining table. Alex sat on the other end of the table eating his breakfast and I sat down to eat my pancakes.

"Sign them." I picked up the pen and he saw the pen was in my left hand, "right hand, please." I switched the pen to my other hand, that was the only thing that could've possibly stopped this but I guess not. I signed it with my right hand and started to eat my pancakes.

He got up from his seat, took the papers, and went upstairs. I ate my pancakes alone. I went upstairs for a nap. I didn't want to see him. When I woke up there was tapping on my door. "Hey, are you awake?" I sat up and Alex placed a bouquet on my bed.

"I'm sorry for the way I treated you yesterday. I wasn't acting like a gentleman I was acting like a bitch." I smiled, "thank you." I gave him a hug and he smiled, "I understand I'm not your first choice Zara but I'd like it if we could spend some more time together and I can get to know you properly not just like before."

I nodded and smiled, "sure." He looked one last time at the flowers and walked out the room. I got up and decided I should try the gym in the house. I went into my room and took a baggy t- shirt with some joggers and walked around till I came across the gym room. I started some small stretch's worked my way up.

I did some cardio and some weight training. My favourite thing to do was leg press. My legs were stronger than my arms so I found heavier weights easier with legs but with My arms I struggled they were more fragile.

After that I decided to do some boxing. At first I was doing some shadow boxing and then moved to the bag with some gloves, trying new combos like double jab then a right hook. I took off the gloves and started hitting the bag raw till my knuckles started to bleed.

I didn't know what I was doing, I felt like I was in a different mind state. I wanted to stop hitting the bag but I couldn't, I needed to hurt. When more blood came out of my knuckles I fell back and lay on the floor, looking up at the ceiling.

The worst part is, in that moment I couldn't feel anything. I was just thinking about him and that girl. "Fuck. My hands." I looked down and my hands were covered in blood. I got up and walked out to the shower in the room I had previously been locked in last night.

Before going in the shower, I looked out the window and I saw Alex, kissing a girl against his car. "Why isn't anyone loyal to me, what did I do to deserve this." Tears started to fall from my eyes and I walked into the shower.

I turned the switch on and the water came out like a waterfall. I stood in the shower and let my neck fall back and I let out a sigh of relief. I winced as I washed the blood off my knuckles. After shampooing and conditioning my hair I got out of the shower...

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