Chapter eighteen

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"No, no, no, this isn't happening. He's okay." Alex stood on the ropes and roared in victory I looked at him in disgust. The ambulance came and I went with them to the hospital. The whole drive I was holding his hand, he was still out.

When we arrived in the hospital they took him to a room and i wasn't allowed in. Ten minutes after we arrived, Zaid, Zac, Farhan, and his parents came over to me."is he okay? Is my son okay?" His mother said in a panic, "I don't know, they took him in a room and wouldn't let me in."

I started to cry and she hugged me, his father didn't say anything. Anything at all. He just stood there next to Riz's mother silently. His mother went to the desk to try and get an update and I gave Zac a hug. Zaid was speaking to Riz's father and I sat down shaking with Zac next to me.

After a while a doctor came out, "Rizwan's family?" His mother nodded, "The hit he got to his jaw has resulted into him being in a coma." I started to bawl, 'this is all my fault, they were fighting for me...'

The doctor told us that he wasn't sure how long he would be in the coma or if he would ever wake up. I went to his room, sat next to him and held hand, "I'm so sorry baby, this is all my fault." No response. I felt so alone and heartbroken, the love of my life is in a coma and I can't do anything.

For the next seven days I stayed there all day, all night, holding his hand. I hadn't eaten, I hadn't slept, all I did was sit at his bed side hoping he would wake up.

One the seventh night Zaid came in, "Zara, you need to eat." He handed me a cheese and pickle sandwich with a water. I tried to eat but I couldn't. I took one bite and I felt sick. I ran into the hospital room bathroom and was sick in the toilet.

I walked back into the room and sat back down and started to cry and Zaid gave me a hug, "he's going to wake up don't worry." I shook my head, "no this is all my fault, they were fighting for me, I should've stopped him if he dies it's my fault."

My heart ached and Zaid held my hands, "look at me, it's not your fault okay, trust me everything's going to be fine, boss is strong he's going to make it." He gave me one last hug and left me in the hospital room.

Later that day would be the eight day I got a text, "You've had a week of mourning your dead boyfriend, it's time to leave." I didn't realise what was about to happen. Two men in suits came in and one of them picked me up. I started to scream, "GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME!" I was kicking and screaming but it didn't phase them.

I took one last look at Riz and I started to cry again. "no, please, I can't leave him." The men took me out of the hospital while I was still screaming but no one helped me. They walked over to a Bentley truck and put me in the passengers seat and Alex was in the drivers seat, "hey baby." He tried to kiss me and I moved away from him. "Your going to give in eventually ma."

He started driving and I looked in the back to see Jamal, I seen a bottle of water in the cup holder and I threw the bottle at his face, "ow, what the fuck?!" I ignored him and Alex started to laugh, "One thing I never had, sibling love." I rolled my eyes.

We arrived at a mansion, it was in a Wealthy neighbourhood and most of the houses looked like they were straight out of a movie. He parked the car in his pebble driveway and he got out of the car, Jamal following after him. I didn't move and sat still.

Alex walked to my window and opened the door, "Get out." I didn't say anything or even look in his direction. He tried to pick me up, "Touch me Alex moltov and I swear you'll never see me again." He walked back and I got out of the car.

I walked up the stairs and through the door to see a living room and it was spotless still it looked nice. I walked upstairs and found a bedroom, "It's okay Zara everything's going to work out." I said to myself. I slumped on the bed and Alex followed in behind me.

"Tired are we?" I ignored him and he came over to the bed moving my hair out of my face. "Leave me alone." He tutted and sounding like a grandma, "come on ma loosen up, your boyfriend is dying and you have nowhere else to go."

Hearing that sentence made me feel sick but I knew he wasn't dying he was in a coma, he was going to be okay. "Shut the fuck up." I said bluntly turning away from him. Alex sat lay behind me and was about to touch me before I said, "touch me and you won't see me ever again, I have a thing for escaping moltov." He moved his hands away.

"I don't want you in my bed or my room. Get out." Without saying a word he got off thr bed and walked out of the room. I have no idea why he was listening to me ordering him in his house but I have that touch I guess.

I slowly drifted to sleep and when I woke up I saw Jamal watching me as I slept. "What the heck are you doing... why are you watching me sleep?" He smiled, "when you were younger and mum and dad were constantly arguing, I used to put you to sleep and watching you sleep gave me comfort that you were safe with me."

I didn't know that, Jamal had never told me that, "just because your being nice to me doesn't mean you get away with explaining yourself." I sat up and he slapped his hand on his forehead, "here we go,"...

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