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I opened my eyes slowly, rain was still pelting down on me like crazy, sneaking through my barely open eyelids. My head throbbed like a bass drum at a rock concert, and my limbs protested every movement with an orchestra of aches.

Blinking against the rain and grunting with the pain caused by my movements, I planted my hands down on the soggy ground as firmly as I could, summoning what little strength I had left to hoist myself upright. Looking around, all I saw was a sea of drenched soil and towering trees, their branches dripping with rain. Then I remembered dropping my phone before being tossed here like a human tumbleweed.

I sat up, wincing as I took stock of the damage. My legs and arms looked like they'd been through a brawl with a thorny hedge, covered in scratches and turning various shades of purple and blue. Gingerly, I prodded at my elbow, finding a deep gash that was already starting to scab over. And when I brought my hand to my face, I felt the dried stickiness of blood near my temple. Guess I was incredibly lucky to survive this fall.

It was starting to make sense why every inch of my body felt like it had been tenderised by a particularly enthusiastic masseuse.

Getting to my feet with a quiet groan, I mustered all the volume I could and bellowed into the wilderness, "HELP! IS ANYBODY HERE?"

It came out as a weak squeak and the only response was the echo of my own voice.

Rain kept pouring, and I felt a lump forming in my throat, a mix of frustration and fear threatening to choke me. I was shivering from cold and my headache didn't help a bit.

Maybe I wasn't too far from the resort. I could walk... or maybe crawl, if need be.

Each step was a challenge, my movements hindered by the throbbing pain shooting up my leg.

I let out a yelp as my foot caught on a stray twig, sending me tumbling to the ground once again, this time landing squarely on my already battered knees. "Brilliant! A twisted ankle! Awesome," grumbling to myself, I rubbed my sore knees and wrapped my arms tightly around myself in a feeble attempt to ward off the shivers that racked my body.

What do I do now?

"Fancy meeting you here."

I froze, my heart leaping into my throat.

Oh my god!

I lifted my head up and blinked away the raindrops obscuring my vision. There he stood, amidst the downpour, looking like a vision straight out of a romantic novel. His dark hair was plastered to his forehead, raindrops clinging to the strands like shimmering jewels. The drops trickled down his chiseled jawline, the rain had soaked through his clothes, clinging to his frame in a way that accentuated his body.

I couldn't help but feel like a drowned rat in comparison. My mud smeared clothes clung to me like a second skin, and my hair was undoubtedly a mess. No need to mention the bruises. It was like comparing a work of art to a scribbled doodle.

"Zayn!!" I scrambled to my feet with a wince, my twisted ankle protesting the sudden movement. "I thought you were long gone by now!"

"That was the plan, but I couldn't leave you behind." He smiled, running his hand through his rain-soaked hair. And let me tell you, if I wasn't already weak on the knees, the sight would have had me flat on the ground.

"How did you find me?" I asked, still trying to wrap my head around the fact that he was here, standing in front of me like some kind of guardian angel in a rain-soaked coat.

He frowned in concern. "Quinn said you were missing, so she called me. I've been looking for you for over an hour, so I pinged your phone location."

"I was out cold for an HOUR?!" I exclaimed, disbelief and frustration causing my voice to rise. "HOW DIDN'T I DIE FROM HYPOTHERMIA?!"

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