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Min-ha was still in line behind Young-hoon, but Tae-man was standing next to her instead of behind her. He was still glaring daggers into the back of Young-hoon's head and cussing a lot more in their conversation. Min-ha was getting annoyed with him and stopped talking to him and listened in on the conversation of Chi-yeol offering the record keeper to Young-hoon.

It was kind of sweet to see innocent Chi-yeol kindly offering Young-hoon the extra points with his usual sheepish smile.

"Having extra credit doesnt make a difference for me, but each point matters to you, right?" Chi-yeol asked, glancing over to see the charming girl with sandy brown waist length hair and wide brown eyes staring at Chi-yeol with her famous other half, tall, pretty boy.

"W-What is it?" Chi-yeol chuckled and looked back over to Young-hoon.

"Well..." Young-hoon started, looking down at the ground, looking for words to answer with. They were never able to come.

Min-ha and Tae-man flinched for a split second as Chi-yeol was physically shoved forward, spinning around to try to not slam inot Young-hoon. It was similar to how Young-hoon had accidentally ran into Min-ha, but this one was far more forceful and aggressive. The fast pace, and coming from the one and only Il-ha, the four knew it was on purpose.

"Hey, Kimchi." Il-ha came in, immediately intimidating the kinder boy. His hair was ruffled a bit to the side, showing off his intense glare a bit more. He was squinting a bit from the bright sun as the others were.

"Platoon Leader told you to do it. Stop bothering him and just do it yourself." He glared and glanced over to Tae-man, who was his friend, and Min-ha, which didn't have a title, but werent friends.

"Oh...okay." Chi-yeol smiled, nodding his head a bit to Il-ha. Min-ha and Tae-man looked up and down to each other, trying read each others thoughts as they watched the interaction.

"He shouldnt be doing it anyways, espoecially if hes gonna push a girl and not actually apologize for it." Il-ha added in, glancing back at the duo, that was infamously stuck together. He looked back at Young-hoon for a second and glared at him.. the way he glared at him was filled with so much hate towards Young-hoon. If Min-ha ever got that kind of look from Il-ha, or anyone, she would genuinely shrivel up into a ball.

He stepped back, still staring down Young-hoon. He shook his head in the slightest motion and brought pu the side of his lip as if he was disgusted by Young-hoon. His piercing eyes never really left Young-hoon until he walked further up to the front of the classroom line next to Hee-rak.

"Il-ha gets it at least." Tae-man said. Min-ha rolled her eyes at him and flinched at him.

"Shout out your firearm number when you get yours!" An instructor yelled aloud to the third years "Understood?"

    Yoo-Jung was in the front of the line, meaning everyone would follow along with her. The line went down as they were handed a large black machine gun. The tension in Min-ha's body grew more and more tense as she was coming closer to the Lieutenant. One thing she hated was yelling or bringing attention to herself, especially in crowds. Subconsciously, she knew no one was paying attention to her, but it still felt like it. Once Young-hoon got his, she stepped forward, her chest caving in on itself. She cleared her dry throat.

    Another man in a uniform pulled out a black machine gun and handed it to Lieutenant Lee. Min-ha gulped visibly as he held it horizontally with both his large hands and handed off the matte onyx gun into her bony, slim hands. Min-ha expected it to not be as heavy as it was as it sunk her arms down. She pressed her elbows to her stomach to keep the gun up and glanced down at the gun up to Lieutenant Lee a few times.

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