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    "Wait." Chi-yeol quietly whispered to Min-ha, putting an arm out before her. Min-ha looked back at him with worried eyes and bit her lower lip. She whipped her head back to the taller boy with the crazed look in his eyes.

Young-hoon dropped his hold on Il-ha;s grey and white dyed print of his T-shirt and sighed, looking like he was about to cry, but he wasn't. Il-ha nver dropped his hands as he kept Young-hoon close and looked down at him.

"Hey, do you know everyone thinks you're annoying, you loser?" Il-ha asked, his voice dropping deeper when he was annoyed.

"Not any worse than you, you bully. You scumbag." Young-hoon shot back through his previously busted lip. This made Il-ha scoff through a smirk and break the eye contact as he was looking down to the side.

"You're family must be happy." Young-hoon smiled, making Il-ha look back up at him. Min-ha knew this took a turn for the worse when he mentioned his family. "THeres less trash at home now—"

He was immedaitely cut off with a sharp punch to the face. Straight in the middle of his face was Il-ha's fist. The colliding sound made Min-ha wince while Young-hoon flung back, harshly.

"Hey! Hey!" Chi-yeol yelled, now finally running forward.

"Il-ha!" Min-ha yelled as the two started running towards the duo, dropping the trash they were holding. Min-ha fell behind Chi-yeol as they were sprinting forward, trying to cut off Young-hoon, who was staarting back to beat the taller boy.

"Shit." Young-hoon grumbled before starting back towards Il-ha.

"Hey, whats the matter with you guys?" Chi-yeol shouted as he was sprinting to the boys. He reached Il-ha the second Young-hoon did and sort of pushed the two boys, throwing off Young-hoon's aim and Il-ha's. Chi-yeol used his back to push through Young-hoon and face towards Il-ha.

"Hey, hey! Please! I'm sorry!" Chi-yeol yelled as he pushed off Young-hoon, using his own body as a barrier between the two. Min-ha reached Il-ha and grabbed his flexed forearm and started pulling on his arm backwards. His muscular arm kept slipping and pulling away from her as he was trying to grab Chi-yeol's arm and pull his hands away from him.

"Please, please!" Chi-yeol yelled with both of his arms pushing the fighting boy's chests.

"Let go." Il-ha seethed through his teeth and kept pulling away from Min-ha. Min-ha tried a new tactic and wrapped her arms around his waist, trying to pull  him back that way, but Il-ha was too strong and Min-ha slowed him down a bit. Her slippers were skidding on the soft, healthy grass whichever way Il-ha was facing his waist.

"Let go, fuck!" Il-ha yelled to Chi-yeol, not even realizing the other person holding him back was Min-ha. Il-ha stepped back with his slide, catching on top of Min-ha's bunny slipper and caused her to stumble as he was walking into her with her foot pinned down. She let go of him and fell backwards to the dewy grass on her bottom.

"Please!" Chi-yeol said as he was still getting tossed around like a ping pong ball.

"I told you to let go! You fucker!" Il-ha yelled as he was now trying to push off Chi-yeol rather than Young-hoon, who was getting blocked by Chi-yeol's bigger body.

"Please, calm down!" Chi-yeol helplessly cried. Chi-yeol was getting grabbed by the shoulder, and getting pushed by his stomach from Il-ha, while Young-hoon was pushing him forward and trying to get him out of the way.

"Please, please." Chi-yeol begged as Min-ha was up to her feet. She launched at Il-ha, using both her arms tograb his shoulder. Her muscles didn't even ache as she pulled him backwards.

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