Chapter Three - Melodies

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|November 30th, 2022|

"Pick up!"



Cait looked up at me in anticipation, "Why are you, out of all people, hanging out with Jenna Ortega?" My eyes looked down at the screen with a soft sigh, "Have you seen the video?" I asked her with a small raise of an eyebrow.

She tilted her head softly, "She's the reason we have that much popularity... in one night?" Nodding softly, she looked dumbfounded. "Wait, but... how?" She asked while standing up to look at me.

"I might have... met her unknowingly last night and... payed for her snacks." Looking down at her with a soft embarrassed gaze, she read my face as she took everything in for herself. Immediately, she jumped up and screamed. "You met Jenna Ortega and paid for her snacks! All unknowingly!?"

Nodding softly at her outburst question, she barely held a suppressed laugh. "So you met probably the biggest celebrity in the world right now, and didn't know who she was, paid for her snacks, then practically went on a date with her?" I didn't think about it like that.

"I-I... I didn't really think about it like that." I stuttered out embarrassingly. She gawked at me while covering her arms up for warmth, "Come on, you're shivering." Grabbing her hand, I led her towards the apartment entrance, opening the door and pushing her in.

Closing the door behind me, I squeezed past Cait and up the stairs. It felt good to step into the heat of the apartment, warming me up from the chilly weather that my body had become accustomed to. Cait looked up at me expectingly, "Yes, I suppose that's one way you could think of it. Though, we don't think of it as a date." I said, referring to Jenna and myself.

Cait looked at me with a deadpan look, "Yeah, yeah, okay. Maybe it wasn't a date. But its still Jenna fucking Ortega." She said with a small laugh, "You have got to be the luckiest man alive." Sighing softly and opening the door to my room, I slowly began to take my hoodie off. It was a heavy one, so when it hit the table, it shook a little.

Slipping my shoes off, I looked around the room. It was clean, a lot cleaner than when I left it. "You cleaned? Thank you." I said with a small smile while back at her. She nodded softly, smiling to herself.

"What's next, though? We've never had this much popularity, and I have no idea where to go with it." Cait asked while rubbing her arms a little, probably a nervous reaction. "I mean... we build off of it, use this as a standing stone. If we don't, we'll fade and be forgotten."

Cait looked in thought for but a moment before she nodded, "Yeah, we have too. Maybe another cover?" I nodded softly, "Our covers are our best stuff, but at some point, not now, but later; we'll need to branch off into our own music."

Cait groaned softly while flopping down in the chair right next to the coach. She stared up at the ceiling, realizing just how hard this was going to be. "I've never been good at making musi-" A loud noise cut through the conversation.


My phone rang throughout the entire room and buzzed in my right pocket. Grabbing it quickly and reading the name on top of the screen. Louis was calling me, he never really called me. Pressing the green button, I accepted his call.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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