part 1 : Meera Dash

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" Meera stop ! You are only embarrassing us with no cgpa no grade and no activities " a shouting sound which is coming from the kitchen . She is Meera's mom , working as a teacher in school . Due to not work properly of cleaning she is shouting at her .  
          Coming to Meera a normal average looking girl with short 5.3 to 5.4 height , fair in colour , dark hair , well build body . But her dream is just something unnatural something fantasy level dream which is just impossible.
          Once she was dreaming about if her father had enough money if she danced or if she had a bigger friends group where she was having lots of fun . But come to reality she said to herself. In recent years she is fully neglecting herself with no study no work nothing , only with lots of unwanted attention and no grades. She totally considered herself as a failure . After all these things also she tried several times to behave properly but she couldn't. She has a another bad habit also which is lying to others . She is a good liar and she can convincing any one with her lies for hiding her flaws or gaining her image infront of them . Like I had a rich boyfriend who was obsessed about me or I got intership in this company or that company or my family had that or that .  
         But with her flaws also she is a good little girl who is very caring and loving to others.

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