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"Hey" Alex said, standing haphazardly on the arm of the pew 

"Hey" Henry said, facing Alex with blood shot eyes


After a strong telling of by his mother, June, Nora, Zahra and his dad (in that order), Alex found himself house bound in a house insurged by many. He knows its all because they love him and yadada, but gosh, couldn't they have been any louder. He didn't mind the noise after a while though. Blocked out his thoughts. Like the impending one: Martha's funeral. The issue wasn't burying Martha. He had by now accepted she was gone and coping in his own way, without cars involved due to obvious reasons. But that although, he & his friends knew that they had called things off, the world didn't. And as they'd been on no contact since, that meant was going to spend the whole day with Henry. Oof

The night before, he sent off his mother & Zahra to the hanger, to sort out a few things in DC before she left. His dad also left to deal with some riots in his constituency. That left him, June and Nora alone for the night. He thought they'd give him an extra scolding but instead was forced into an allnighter on one of the most important nights of his life. Because on a day intended for mourning, Alex had to some how pull the biggest charade on the world. No pressure though. 


Buzz. Buzz.

Alex woke up intentionally slowly to silence his alarm in hope itd wake up his sister & best friend. No luck. So, after clicking his back from the disgrace his unforgiving couch pillows left him, he grabbed one each in both hands and slammed them into their faces. Let's just say they woke up with more than a vengeance. 

Within an hour, they had gathered their things and lined it up by the stairwell. Alex glanced over at their noticeably larger suitcases. 

"So, do you guys ever plan on coming back or"

After June helps out on Nora's jacket, she turns to her brother 

"You do know how long royal funerals last for right"

He raised his eyebrows, hoping undetected 


 A quick Google search could've found that it does indeed last longer than the 3 pairs of clothing he brought, one being his pair to sleep in, another being his funeral garms. However, as Pez was honking outside his door, he was unable to grab subsequent clothing, so was subjected to torment the whole journey to the airport

"...that's not even the funniest part" Nora cackles, sitting on the passengers side "he tried to lie"

Pez burst out in a similar manner 

"Rough break, man. Guess, they didn't read you in on the memo then?" 

He turns to wink at Nora. 

Alex sighs, trying to say his peace until June buts in 

"You'd think with a Prince as an ex-"

The car fell into silence. Although they all knew it, hearing out loud was unsettling. Henry was Alex's ex. Never saw that one coming. 

Nora flails her arm to the back, extending enough to smack June 

"Oww" June screams 

Nora stares back at her, same as Pez through the mirror but at Alex 

Alex looks up, sensing that, no matter how uncomfortable he felt, he had to bring the energy back. Found himself having to do that often. 

"Trust" He turns to sister, who has apology lining her face "I'll tell him next time I see him" 

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