Chapter 3

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Samantha's phone rang, and she noticed that it was a call from her father, Jose Marcel Panlilio. Wondering what the call might be about, she answered, "Hello, Dad. What's going on?"

"Hi, Sam, how are you?" her father's voice greeted her warmly.

"I'm doing well Dad," Samantha responded

"That's great," her Dad replied "By the way Sam I wanted to let you know about an upcoming event at the hotel. It's going to be a significant occasion, and I think your presence would be valuable."

Curious, Samantha inquired, "What kind of event is it, Dad?"

Jose Marcel explained, "We're hosting a grand opening for a new section of the hotel, and there will be important guests and business partners attending. I believe having you there would add a personal touch and represent the family. It's a great opportunity for you to network and connect with people in the industry."

Samantha considered the information and nodded to herself. "Sure, Dad. I can be there. Just let me know the details, and I'll make sure to mark my calendar."

Her father expressed his gratitude, "That's wonderful, Samantha. I'll send you the specifics and schedule soon. Looking forward to having you there. It's going to be a memorable event for the Panlilio family and the hotel."

As they wrapped up the call, Samantha felt a sense of responsibility and excitement about the upcoming event, ready to contribute to the success of the family business.


As Michelle dialed her mom's number, she sought solace in the familiar connection. When her mom answered, Michelle greeted her, "Hi, Mom. I've been meaning to talk to you."

Her mom's voice responded warmly, "Hello, sweetheart. What's on your mind?"

Michelle proceeded to share the details of the woman she had seen earlier in the coffee shop, describing the encounter and the emotions it stirred within her. Her mom listened attentively, offering words of comfort and understanding.

After Michelle shared her story, her mom paused before gently saying, "I appreciate you telling me about this, dear. It sounds like you like her. What is her name?" her Mom asked curiously.

"That's the problem Mom, I didn't get her name" Michelle told her with disappointed in her voice

"Ohh I guess your charm didn't work on her" her mom replied teasingly

"Nahh I didn't get the chance Mom" Michelle told her

"Well, maybe you will meet her again"

"Same thoughts Mom" Michelle responded

As the conversation unfolded, Michelle's mom transitioned to the topic of an upcoming important family event.

"By the way, there's something we need to attend soon. It's quite significant, and I think your presence would mean a lot. It might also be a good opportunity for a change of scenery, a chance to be around family."

Michelle considered her mom's words and the potential for healing and support within the family setting. "Alright, Mom. I'll be there. When is the event?"

Her mom shared the details, and Michelle, while still processing the recent events in her life, agreed to attend.

Soulmates are destined to meet no matter what the circumtances.A soulmate is someone who completely understands you and loves you unconditionally. It’s a meeting of minds and an undeniable connection. It’s the person you can be your true self with and never worry about saying or doing the wrong thing.


As Samantha scrolled through her Instagram feed, she stumbled upon a picture of Michelle Dee with her fans. Michelle's radiant smile and the sparkle in her eyes instantly caught Samantha's attention. Unable to look away, Samantha found herself captivated by Michelle's beauty.

She's pretty, Samantha thought, unable to deny the allure of Michelle's captivating eyes and the genuine happiness reflected in her smile. As Samantha's thoughts lingered, her inner monologue added a playful twist, Those lips, OMG, Samantha, stop it, she told herself, acknowledging the internal reaction to Michelle's attractiveness.

Samantha, caught in the fleeting spell of admiration, couldn't help but appreciate the beauty of Michelle Dee


Michelle sat on the couch, attempting to immerse herself in a book, but her mind kept drifting back to the woman in the green coat. Despite being surrounded by attractive individuals in the industry, this particular woman seemed to have left a lasting impression on Michelle.

"I'm not like this," Michelle mused to herself, recognizing the unusual nature of her thoughts. The woman's allure felt different, stirring a sense of curiosity and a desire to get to know her on a deeper level. There was an unexpected pull, a yearning to take care of her.

Michelle shook her head, as if trying to dispel the lingering thoughts and emotions. She wondered why this encounter had impacted her in such a unique way, disrupting her usual composure. Closing the book, Michelle took a deep breath, attempting to refocus her attention and set aside the intriguing distractions that lingered in her mind.


Hope you like it.

See you in the next chapter😘


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