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Carly, Sam, and Millicent reveled in the charm of Italy, exploring cobblestone streets, savoring gelato, and creating unforgettable memories. Meanwhile, back at Freddie and Carly's apartment, Freddie and Spencer embarked on their own adventure—attempting to cook a meal that didn't involve spaghetti tacos. Laughter echoed through the apartment as unexpected culinary escapades unfolded.

Freddie, rubbing his eyes: "Where's Carly? The bed's empty."

Spencer, emerging from the kitchen: "Oh, she's still in Italy with Sam and Millicent, remember?"

Freddie, puzzled: "Right, the girls' trip. Feels weird waking up alone."

Spencer, grinning: "Enjoy the bachelor life while it lasts, man. What's for breakfast, by the way?"

Freddie, smirking: "Considering our cooking skills, maybe cereal is the safest option."

They share a laugh as the realization of Carly's absence sinks in.

Freddie, jokingly: "So, what do you want for breakfast? Gourmet cereal or a daring attempt at toast?"

Spencer, grinning: "Let's live on the edge—toast it is. And by the way, I've been here since last night. You were too engrossed in video games to notice."

Freddie, surprised: "Seriously? I thought I was alone. Did you raid my fridge or something?"

Spencer, mock offended: "I'm offended you'd even suggest that. I just borrowed a few eggs and maybe some cheese. And by 'borrowed,' I mean permanently borrowed."

Freddie, chuckling: "As long as you leave some for our culinary masterpiece."

They share a laugh, ready for another day of unexpected adventures.

Freddie, groggily picking up his phone: "Hey, babe. Just waking up here. How's Italy treating you?"

Carly, excitedly: "Freddie! Italy is amazing. We explored this ancient village, and Millicent tried authentic gelato for the first time. It's been incredible!"

Freddie, smiling: "That sounds awesome. I miss you, though. It's weird waking up without you."

Carly, warmly: "Aw, I miss you too. But it's just a few more days. We'll have plenty to catch up on when I'm back. Love you!"

Freddie, affectionately: "Love you too, Carly. Have an amazing time, and take lots of pictures!"

They exchange sweet goodbyes, both looking forward to reuniting soon.

Spencer, smirking: "Aw, aren't you two adorable? Long-distance love and all."

Freddie, rolling his eyes: "Yeah, yeah. You're just jealous of our cuteness."

Spencer, grinning: "Jealous? Please, I'm too busy perfecting the art of toast. You're the one with the sappy phone calls."

Freddie, laughing: "You're just bitter because you're stuck here with me instead of gallivanting through Italy."

Spencer, playfully: "Fair point. Maybe I'll find my own gelato adventure in the freezer."

Freddie, chuckling: "Good luck with that. It's buried behind my failed attempts at gourmet cooking."

They share a laugh, appreciating the humor in their unique situation.

Freddie, typing: "Hey, how are you feeling? Any interesting cravings or is our little one causing a ruckus in that belly of yours?"

Carly, responding: "Hey! Feeling good, just a bit tired. Cravings? Well, pickles and ice cream cliché aside, I might have raided the gelato shop. And yes, baby's kicking up a storm!"

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