Chapter Seven

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Kook Party


Rafe pulled into the driveway. The house was huge. Big front doors, a big laneway, trees all around the house, it looked to be about four floors. Although it wasn't as big as the Cameron's house, they made this one look small. Cars were parked in the driveway and all down the street. Rafe parked on the side of the road, and we all got out.

"Sam, don't drink too much," Caleb said as we all walked up the driveway.

"Does she have a drinking problem?" Sarah asked my brother.

I gave her a weird look. "No, I don't."

"Don't worry bro, I'll take care of her," Rafe smirked as he wrapped his arm right around my shoulder.
I laughed as I shrugged his arm off, "Thanks for the concern but I can take care of myself."
The outside of the house had people all over the lawn and on the balconies.

"Caleb can I talk to you for second?" I asked.

"Yeah sure," He looked at Sarah and Rafe, "We'll see you guys inside." The both continued to walk.

"Whats up?"

"Last night, I heard Uncle Ben talking on the phone with someone."

"You were eavesdropping?"

"Just listen. He told the person on the phone 'they'll be out of the house by tomorrow.'" Caleb gave me a confused look. "He was trying to get rid of us dude!"

He rolled his eyes, "You're reading way to much into this. Give it a rest."

"But he-"

"-No Sam. Yeah Uncle Ben is a dick but come on, trying to get rid of us?"

"He's planning something and I'm going to find out what."

"Like how you were going to find out who killed dad? New's flash Sam, dad died in a car crash and now were 12 hours away."

I looked at him with hatred in my eyes, "Fuck you!"

I shook my head and walked inside the house. People were dancing, balloons were everywhere, even in the pool. There was loud music with lights flashing, you'd think you were at a nightclub or something. Rafe came up to me and handed me a red solo cup, "What's wrong Chicago? Kook party too much for you?" He laughed

I rolled my eyes. Did he really just call me Chicago?


It had been two hours since we got here. Rafe and I were sitting on a couch outside by a firepit with all his friends. He had been by my side all night, acting like it was his job to watch me. It was fucking annoying. I took a big sip from the cup I filled a couple of minutes ago.

"Chicago, maybe you should cut it out with the drinks, this is your third cup," Rafe said as he leaned towards me. I blocked his arm from trying to take my cup away and scooted down the couch. 

"Rafe, chill out. I'm fine." This was the second time he tried to take my drink away. 

"Listen if your brother finds out I let you drink this much he'll-"

"-I'm sorry, let me?" I stood up from the couch. "Rafe I can do what I want, it's not your job to watch me." I started to walk away. He grabbed my arm before I could take another step.

"Chicago, wait."

"Rafe, you've been following me around all night. I need some fucking space." He looked at me for a moment before he let go of my arm. His friends laughed at him, I embarrassed him in front of everyone. I knew I had too much to drink, but fuck it.

"I just need some space." He shook his head and walked passed me. All his friends were looking at me. "What are you looking at?" They stopped laughing. I shook my head and walked away. 

My head was spinning. Taking steps was harder than I thought, being a lightweight at a party is not fun. I walked inside the house. More people had come since the last time I was inside. I needed to wash my face with some cold water, maybe that would make me feel better.

"Is this line for the bathroom?" I asked a red-headed girl as I held onto the wall. The line was gone down the hall. 

She looked me up and down like I was an idiot, "uh, yeah?" She smacked her gum. 

"No need to be a bitch about it," I said under my breath before leaving the line. 

"What did you just say to me?" She asked. I looked at her and laughed before walking away. I felt like I was going to be sick, I needed somewhere to sit. I walked over to the stairs. 


"Hey, Sam," he looked bummed out.I stumbled onto him trying to sit next to him.

"Wo, how much have you drank?" He asked as he helped me sit down.

"Not enough." I rested my head in my hands.

"Sam I'm sorry for what I said before." 

I groaned, "I don't want to talk about that right now." 

I looked over to him, "Why are you sitting on the stairs? Where's Sarah?"

"I don't know. She went to go talk to her friends and never came back."

I laughed a little, "you have a thing for Sarah Cameron."

"Fuck off, no I don't."

"No need to lie, Caleb," I rested my head on his shoulder. "You've always had a thing for her, even when we were little."

"What about you and Rafe?"

"What about me and Rafe-" Before I could finish my sentence I got interrupted by someone screaming.

"GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE!"I shot my head up, making me go dizzy. 

Caleb stood up. "What's happening?" I asked as I slowly stood up. 

"I have no idea." 

The next thing I knew, I saw two people ruining. One was a girl with long dark curly hair. The other was a guy with black hair and a button-up that was unbuttoned. I didn't get a good look at him but at a quick glance, he looked pretty attractive. 

"Go! Go!" The girl yelled. 

"Is that-"

"-Oh my God," I interrupted Caleb. 

My heart dropped at the sight of him running in my direction. His blonde hair, blue eyes, and red baseball hat. The same baseball cap he wore everyday four years ago.

He stopped in his tracks, the smile that was once on his face was gone, "Mara?" Mara, he was the only one who ever called me that."JJ," I breathed. 

His jaw clenched, "What the fuck are you doing here." He looked so angry, so upset. The heatred his eyes sent chills down my body. 

"JJ, what the hell you doing man?" It was John B. He looked just as I remembered. He put both his hands on JJ's shoulders. JJ and I never broke eye contact. 

"We're about to get our asses kicked-" John B looked at me. "Sam? Is that you?" I could see from the corner of my eye, he was smiling. John B was happy to see me, but I still didn't break contact with JJ. 

Topper and Rafe came running into the room. "You're dead Pogues!" Topper yelled.

"We have to go, man," John B pulled JJ by the back of his shirt and they both ran out the front door. 

"Sam? Are you okay?" Caleb asked. 

I stared down at the floor. "I want to leave. Now."

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