Chapter Ten

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Country Club Day

After ten minutes, we arrived at the club. I grabbed my sunglasses from my purse and put them on as Sarah parked. 

"Hey Sarah, can I ask you something."

"Of course Sammy." I smiled at the name she called me.

"What's going on between you and my brother?"

She laughed, "What are you talking about?"

"I don't know, I thought there was a vibe? You guys are always together."

"There's no vibe, we're just friends. I have a boyfriend."

"Oh, you do?"

"Yeah, It's-" She stopped her sentence and looked at the group of guys walking towards the car. "Oh well actually, he's right there. Topper."

My eyes widened, "You're dating Topper?"

She smiled, "Yeah, he's a great guy. We've been dating for six months."

"Oh wow, that's great," I smiled. We both got out of the car. Topper, Rafe, Caleb two other guys, and a brunette girl stood around Sarah's car. Rafe didn't take his eyes off me.

"Caleb," I motioned my head for him to come over to me.

Caleb looked at Rafe before coming over to me.
"What is going on with you two?"

"That's not important." I crossed my arms together, "Did you know Sarah and Topper are together?"

"What?" He looked over them and then back at me. "Together? What do you mean together? Like dating together?"

"Yes dating together, what else would it be?"

"Why wouldn't she tell me? We spent a whole week together and she didn't tell me?"

"Look dude I don't know." I looked over at them. Topper had his arm around Sarah. "They've been dating for six months."

I looked at my brother and hit his arm, "Stop staring. Let's go."
We walked over to the group.

"You must be Samara?" The girl said. I nodded my head and smiled. "I'm Sofia," She smiled. "This is Kelce," She pointed to one of the guys. He was a tall, dark skin man, very attractive. "And this is Cole," She pointed to the other one. He was a blond-headed guy with green eyes, the same height as Rafe.

"Nice to meet you guys," I greeted them.

"Let's go guys," Topper said, still having his arm around Sarah. We all followed behind them.

 "You know when Rafe said you were coming he failed to mention how pretty you are," Cole smiled. 

I laughed, "Thanks but, I have a boyfriend." 

"What does he have to do with this?" He smirked.

I shook my head as I looked over at Caleb. He was still staring at Sarah. I love my brother but he falls way too easily. "So, how long have you been golfing for?" I asked Cole. 

"About 5 years, my father taught me," he smiled. "Have you golfed before?"

"No, my family doesn't golf."

"Good," he looked me in the eyes. "I can teach you."


After about an hour and many bad swings I finally got the ball in the hole. "See, I told you you'd get the hang of it," I high-fived him.

"I'll be right back," I handed him my golf club and walked over to Sarah and Sofia. 

"Hey, are you guys hungry?" I asked them.

"Yes, Oh my God I'm starving," Sofia brought her hand to her stomach.

"We can go get some food inside?" Sarah suggested.

"That would be amazing," I melted at the thought of food. "I haven't eaten all day."

"Me either," Sarah added. They both put their clubs away. "Hey guy, we're going to go get some food, you wanna come?" 

"We're going to hit a few more balls, get a table for eight," Rafe said as he hit a ball, missing the hole. "Come on," Rafe muttered under his breath as he shook his head.

Sarah nodded her head. The three of us got into one of the golf carts. Sarah and I sat in the front, Sofia at the back, she turned her body. 

"Hey Sarah, are there any new girls Rafe's going out with?" She asked. 

Sarah started the cart, "I don't think so. I haven't seen anyone at the house."

"Did you guys date?" I asked Sofia. 

She laughed, "God no. We just hook up here and there." She turned her body back around and took out her phone.

I nodded my head slowly, "Oh, cool."

Cruel Summerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें