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Adam, Samuel. Bran Charles and the vampires packed up the car and set off towards the facility. They would leave the car in the shelter and were already changing the shape of the vehicle. This was the big van they set off in. The vampires drove through the dark night. The car's headlights obliterated the rugged terrain as they drove through the dark woods and along a path almost as bad as the one they had taken to the village of Marrok, but this was the safest route. The goal was to get the car as close as possible, and then, yes' they would drive off another way. The vampires would move the vehicle into position once they had let the wolves go.

The van was jet black, blending in well with the night. Only the headlights revealed the car's progress through the woods. This was an electric car, so it was almost silent. It was one of Charles' work cars. Charles was his father's soldier, a hitman, a troubleshooter, and very efficient at his job. Charles had a well-known reputation among werewolves, and if Charles Cornick were going to visit, then someone would probably lose their life. Charles had no mercy.

The vampires were silent as they drove, except now and then to curse softly when they hit a good bump. The men were already changing shape behind them, and with it came their own sounds that neither vampire cared to hear.

The car stopped in a clearing in the woods. From here, the wolves would soon leave the cave mouth if they got into the tunnels, and the men would move the car without the lights on closer when the time was right. Charles opened the back door, put the sled on Adam's back, and then went into shape as the other three were already jogging into the cave. Adam was also carrying a small bag of medicine. Charles became a wolf, almost night-black himself, blending into the darkness and disappearing into the night.

The vampires watched as the wolves disappeared into the cave, and they watched the clock. This was timed so they could move the car to the right spot without anyone spotting them. Now, they just had to be patient and keep their heads down. Nick and Elias didn't know yet if they would even be allowed to stay and take care of Mimi, what condition she was in, and as much as Nick's wolf wanted to care and defend, the fact was that it wouldn't be that hard to leave Mimi in the care of others and forget about this.

Nick and Elias had lived for several thousand years. There were plenty of women and people, and human life was so short and fragile that neither of them wanted to get too attached to any one human being anymore. It would be a bit like a human falling in love with a butterfly. Beautiful, innocent, but so fragile and short-lived. Here, one moment, and gone the next. Living and keeping one's mind in order was easier when one had excessive emotions in check.

The wolves ran silently through the tunnels. There were no lights in the tunnels, but the wolves could see perfectly well, even in the dark, when they got close to the rest area. There were small lamps on the walls because there had been some storage facilities here when the factory had been in operation, and apparently, these guys had kept some of the facilities in use.

At one door, Charles could clearly smell that it was a morgue or something, and he knew from the floor plan that it had its own passageway to the incinerator where the evidence was disposed of. They were on schedule, and when they arrived at the breakpoint, it was one of the smaller side caves.

The entrance was between two stones and not so easily noticeable, but Charles had found this when he had been scouting earlier.

The breakpoint was sheltered, and they wouldn't be there long, just check on Mimi so they could get the rest of the way, which would take about an hour to get back, and Mimi would be able to sleep. Samuel suspected that Mimi had developed a tolerance to the drugs and might require another dose, so it was wise to stop, check, and then continue safely.
Mercy would only arrive when they arrived, but she would accompany them all the way back. Adam was not happy, but Bran had insisted.

The Salvatore Saga. Volume oneWhere stories live. Discover now