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The full moon was coming. I had eaten as well as I could, but I felt that the silver and aconitum were far from all gone from my system. I knew I was on the escape as soon as possible. The transformation hurt as much as ever, and I had to work for a while to relax.

Eventually, I was in Mimosa form. Mimosa, now let me take control first. I'd managed to cut a crack earlier, a bit like cutting a diamond, but I'd found a screw I'd been using and had sort of weakened one of the window panes, so my idea was to jump through the glass straight out.

So I was on the ground floor; this window was behind the building, and you could see the forest in the distance. The goal was to jump through the window and run into the woods as fast as possible. The room was elongated, and this window was on the narrower side in a way, so I had room to take a little bit of at least momentum; Mimosa was so big that we probably wouldn't have broken the window otherwise unless I had weakened it when Mimosa ran across the room in a couple of gallops.

The hardest part had been a couple of days before the full moon, and Mimosa said it was as normal as can be; all werewolves are cranky around a full moon. Well, with my rage, let's just say I was particularly furious with all the treatments and examinations.
I heard that the corridor was silent, the nurses or some of the examiners had gone home, and only guards on the night shift did not come into the room. My room door was thick, so the sound would not be heard so well, and when I lifted the mattress against the door to muffle the sound even more.

"It's now or never," I thought determinedly as I started running as fast as possible and then jumped. The window shattered surprisingly neatly, and we flew into a snowbank. There was no time to wait, and we started running towards the forest's edge as fast as possible.

Mimosa had long legs and was big, so we ran and ran hard. I wasn't even paying attention to how fast we were running, but I enjoyed the freedom that running gave me. I let Mimosa be in the reins as we ran away, she controlled her body better than me.

We were almost into the woods when the floodlights started sweeping the ground. Soon, men in overalls began pouring out of the facility and starting snowmobiles. There wasn't much snow in the forest, so Mimosa ran like a whirlwind. It was snowing and windy, and it covered our tracks. We ran over rocks and small hills; Mimosa ran unmistakably and fast; she didn't stumble or hesitate at all.

The wind blew in the trees; it was dark, but we could still see. The winter forest was eerily silent when we stopped. I don't know how long we ran, but we didn't hear snowmobiles when we stopped. We must have listened for another 10 minutes, just silence.

Mimosa said: "Let's find some food, and then we'll keep going."

We started walking, now quietly, sniffing the forest. Soon, Mimosa caught the scent—a moose. We padded and saw a huge bull deer eating lichen and moss from a tree. We crept closer and then charged. Mimosa was fast and relentless. Mimosa bit down on the moose's throat and bit as hard as she could. The moose struggled for a few minutes, and then it was dead.

We didn't delay as Mimosa rushed to the moose's belly and started tearing open the soft belly skin.

I don't know which of us was in charge, actually. We ate the fat under the hide, the liver, heart, spleen, and pancreas. We didn't touch the intestines. We started eating meat. I also tasted meat in my mouth, but it wasn't bad. I felt like we could eat as much as we wanted. Suddenly, I smelled a new smell. This was another wolf. A male. I didn't know how I knew, but I said,

"We're about to have company, smell."

Mimosa growled, "Yep, and the male is still strong, probably alpha."

The Salvatore Saga. Volume oneWhere stories live. Discover now