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It was getting dark, and I was annoyed because the moon was bright, even though it wasn't quite a full moon; one day, it would be, and for some reason, this fact annoyed me to no end. I felt like my nerves were on edge all the time. Everything was making me twitch. This strange feeling in my mind became stronger. 

It felt like it had been awakened, stretching itself. I almost got a mental picture of it. I was skinny as a skeleton, but my body seemed to work very well; I was surprisingly supple and could do more than I thought I could. I surprised myself quite a few times. I walked to the window. I had my own route that I walked, and I strengthened myself. Even though I did as much as possible, I recovered quickly, but it also increased my hunger.

It was like my body had come alive and was now working at super speed. My hearing was annoyingly good, making me irritable when I heard things. And my reflexes, let's just say there were no flies or bugs alive in that facility, although you could have sworn the nurses were deliberately bringing flies, spiders, or some bugs into the room.
I looked out the window and sighed when suddenly a voice in my head spoke.

"We have to get ready. This is going to be tricky at first."

This was different from my own internal dialogue. This was not my thoughts.

Prepare for what? What is going to be difficult? I wondered. Great, I thought. I've then gone entirely crazy, and now I have a voice in my head telling me to prepare and warning me that it will be difficult.

A voice in my head said: "I warned you, get ready, don't fight it, just let it happen. It's easier that way. Just relax and let it happen. You can't help it anyway."

I wondered what I should prepare for and not fight against. I asked if I had a transmitter in my skull, and some doctor was having a hell of a time. If this is even the work of the fucking shrink. Trying to brainwash me again and get me to trust the voice in my head.

Then the pain hit. I collapsed to my knees and felt a huge cramp hit my other leg. It felt like my knee had dislocated. The pain pierced my back and my shoulders. The cramps were hitting everywhere, and I could hear my joints being dislocated and twisted into different positions by the force of the cramps. I was wondering how the fuck they were doing this to me.

A voice in my head reassured me. "You're doing great, that's it, just relax, let it happen, let me come out. Relax, breathe, just let it happen, and let me come out; it's okay. It's going to be okay."

I couldn't fight it. I just tried to hold on as the pain hit me everywhere; my face hurt, and I kept my eyes closed. It felt like my mouth was suddenly full of teeth; I was down on all fours, and somehow, I got up on my toes and fingers, and my skin itched like it was full of something prickly. I kept my eyes closed, and somewhere, I realized I was changing shape. But into what kind of monster? And how, for what?

Eventually, the pain stopped, and I felt this other being in my head taking control of my body. I sort of went into the background. I got some sensations from my body, but I wasn't in control of myself.

Eventually, my eyes opened, and I saw that I was looking at the world on almost the same level as my human body. I was some giant creature.

I watched as this other being walked in front of the mirror. I was a wolf. I was a giant wolf. I was tri-colored; the primary color was white, then red and black patches. On my right shoulder was a black and shiny patch. Otherwise, my colors were a bit pale. I was also fluffy—Longer-haired than average. Quite a bit longer, and this reminded me of one of my cats.

The other one had been with me for a long time before I was kidnapped, and this whole madness started. And somehow, the name would be very appropriate for a werewolf, but let's see what this wolf likes about it. I tried to see if my wolf form was a girl or a boy.

The Salvatore Saga. Volume oneWhere stories live. Discover now