chapter 2 Running for our lives

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Yuma took my hand and he ran. Don't look back Tori or else you won't be able to leave Yuma warned me. I didn't answer I cried silently praying that my mom would be safe but I knew she would died cause the white wolfs were ruthless they killed everyone in there way and they also destroyed buildings. We were finally in the woods we stopped. to rest Thank you Yuma I said. no prob Tori Yuma said as he laid on the ground. I looked at him I though he was cute. Then he grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him. What the heck? Tori asked. shush baka(idiot) Yuma said. He had cover my mouth. He whistled, and uncovered my mouth. What's up? I asked. you will see Yuma said with a smile. Then out of the woods came two wolfs they were beautiful. one had white fur with red streaks. and the other had gray fur with black streaks. I hid behind Yuma wolfs Yuma save me! I yelled. Don't worry these are my wolfs. Ginger is the gray black one and pepper is the white red one. Yuma said with a laugh. Oh I said they came over to me. I started to shake Yuma grabbed my hand I blushed and my heart melted. let them sniff your hand dummy so they know your friendly Yuma said I couldn't talk I just nodded my head. the wolfs sniff my hand. then they acted like puppies so cute I thought. then Yuma let go of my hand it felt cold. Yuma turned to me im going to take you to my friends sonny she can take care of you! Yuma said then he smile. My heart felt like it busted. Great I said with a smile. Well now that that's out of our way food Yuma said Food? I asked. Yeah aren't you hungry? Yuma asked me. Yeah I am I said then as though God had heard us a flock of ducks flew above us. Yuma had brought his bow and arrow with us and he shoot down 5 ducks he was amazing. He picked them up diner Yuma said great I said smiling. Yuma started a fire he asked me to collect fire wood. I said of course and a few minutes later I came back with a bunch of fire wood. Then we ate diner. Ah this is the life I forgot how much I use to love to live like this Yuma said sleepily. You use to live in the woods? I asked yep when my parents died before I came to midnight I lived her with my friends ginger, pepper and sonny ah that was the life. But then Sonny got tired of living in the woods she said she wanted to live among people so she moved to green lives it was a nice town but I missed her and soon I became to lonely I mean don't get me wrong Ginger and Pepper were amazing but I needed people so I came to Midnight and that is where I lived Yuma said. oh I said I became jealous of sonny and Yuma's history. Did you like her Yuma I asked I regretted asking but I needed to know. Hu Son um yeah I did but not anymore she use to be so cool and wild. she was beautiful she had short red hair with black streaks and the blues eyes you have ever seen she was an archer like me and a genius at getting random things and making them into weapons, clothes anything you name she could make she was wonderful Yuma said dreamily. I started to cry. Hu tori what's wrong? Yuma asked nothing g-goodnight Yuma see you in the morning She said sadly then she got a blanket and pillow and she fell asleep. What did I say? Yuma asked himself then he went to sleep himself....

Alright guys im putting this into the Watts rewards so please pray and wish me luck thank you and remember vote comment and jet it and stay fired up!


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