Chapter 5 Confession to late and he's gone? last chapter!!

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Tori woke up the next day she was going to tell Yuma how she felt and that she wasn't going to stay with Sonny she belonged beside him but she only saw Sonny at the breakfast table. Wow Yuma sure is sleeping in late! Tori said as she ate a piece of toast. Oh didn't he tell you he left super early at left he always use to do that back when I was with him Sonny said. I was going to tell him I love him! Tori cried. Well im sorry he is gone Tori he might be back in a month or two maybe even a year Sonny said with a strung. A month? Tori asked. Well it doesn't matter anyways he told you to stay here with me Sonny said. But I don't want to stay here! I want to be with HIM...and Ginger and Pepper out in the forest being chased by bears and flying with birds eating duck and swimming in humongous ponds and rivers! Tori said. Well you could go find him! Sonny said. Would you help me Sonny it's not that I don't like being here with you-Tori got interrupted by Sonny I know go after you boy Tori live your happy ever after! Sonny said with a smile. Thank you Son! Tori said. Yeah no prob your doing something I should have years ago Sonny said. Ey? Tori asked. back when I loved him Sonny said oh im sorry Sonny Tori said. Why your being smart and going after him while you have a chance Sonny said. Tori ran upstairs and packed some clothes in a backpack then she came back downstairs. Here Sonny said she handed Tori a basket full of cheese, bread milk, water and a blanket. Sonny thank you! Tori said she had tears in her eyes. No prob now go! Sonny said so Tori ran back into the forest. Yuma! Ginger, Pepper where are you guys!!! Tori called. No answer...Then tori heard a noise she wished she hadn't growls... Oh shoot Tori said then she ran for her life as bears chased after her Yuma help me please! Tori screamed. A little farther in the forest up in a tree Yuma was in a hammock he had made with Ginger and Pepper were at the bottom of the tree waiting for Yuma's command. YUUUUUUUMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a voice yelled. Hu? Yuma asked as he awoke. Both wolves started howling. I know that voice Tori? He wondered Come on boys! Yuma said he grabbed his bow and arrow and climbed down the tree and he ran towards the screams. He was right it was Tori's screams he saw that she was backed in a corner with the bears trying to kill her. Yuma shot a branch and berries fell on the bears they looked at Yuma with angry. Come and get me you stupid bears Yuma yelled the bears then chased after Yuma Come on Ginger, Pepper let's go help Yuma Tori said as she patted the wolves fur then they ran after Yuma Tori climbed a tree she hid there then a few minutes later she did the same whistle as Yuma did to summon the Wolves Attack those bears! Tori commanded when she had the wolves attention. Both wolves understood and they did attack the bears. Tori came down from the tree and onto one of the bears. she was riding a bear Yuma now!!!!!!!!!! Tori yelled. But what if I hit you Tori Yuma asked. Don't worry about me I've become tougher Tori said. So Yuma got his bow and he shot the arrow it killed one of the bears the others got scared from Yuma, Tori and the wolves so they ran off. Tori that was amazing! Yuma said as he hugged Tori. Thanks! Tori said. These two somehow knew that it was you that made those screams... why are you here anyways Yuma asked. Um cause... Yuma I've fallen for you I can't stay with Sonny my heart belongs to you I want to stay With you Ginger and Pepper Tori said. Is that so? you have fallen for the thief? funny how that turned out...I can't say that your not strong enough you have proven wrong and I love you to Tori and of course you can stay with us come on let's go Yuma said. he took tori's hand and off they went. They visited Sonny often and when they said that they were dating she was so happy and they all lived happily ever after!

Alright guys please don't hate on this ending and this is going into the Watts so please pray, and cross your fingers for me if can thank you and please read, vote, and comment! and as always Jet it and stay fired up!


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