Jesse Rabbit - That's My Seat

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Requested by: Kuroko11_Kise07


(Y/N) stared up lovingly at the stage, her eyes turning into hearts at the sight of Jesse singing his heart out on stage. He was amazing - as always - and had the crowd enamoured with him and his performance - as always.

It had been two years since the whole Acme murder and Doom wanting to destroy Toon Town fiasco. It had been a terrible and honestly wild experience, especially for (Y/N). But, it was because of circumstances leading up to all of that, that she met her honey bunny, Jesse Rabbit.

Their relationship started out a little rocky but now things couldn't get better. He treated her like a queen and she always made sure he felt like a king. They had gone on romantic dates, went on a trip to Catalina with Delores and Eddie, Jesse bought her flowers for every special occasion - or just when he felt like it. 

They also made it a point to always make time to visit his brother Roger, who was still doing quite well as a cartoon actor and was even swirling stars around his head as a special move. There was also lots of time spent with Eddie too. His detective business was flourishing once more, just like (Y/N) had always dreamed, and he was even taking Toon clients again.

All-in-all, their relationship had been rock solid, life was going well for them, and they were completely and madly in love with one another. 

So, when (Y/N) decided that she'd start catching Jesse's shows, to show her support for his work, the club owner granted her special access to the Ink and Paint Club. Heck, he even made sure she had a special seat right in front of the stage.

Everyone who frequented the club knew of their relationship. It didn't stop women from fawning over Jesse, mind you, but they also weren't stupid enough to upset either of them by getting in their way. So, no one dared to flirt with Jesse or (Y/N) for that matter. 

And no one sat in her seat.

Jesse had just finished his performance, the crowd was cheering long after he left, and (Y/N) fixed her glasses before making her way backstage. 

She didn't even have to knock as she made her way into Jesse's dressing room and he immediately pulled her into a long, passionate kiss. Tiny hearts danced around her head as she smiled into the kiss before they pulled away from one another.

"Hello, Doll." He practically purred, caressing her face in a sweet manner. "You were a little late today, something happen at the office?"

She rolled her eyes as she hopped out of his arms and plopped herself tiredly on his sofa, rubbing her face in exhaustion as she explained, "Sorry, Honey Bunny. We're still working that case of Daffy's stolen family heirloom and, every day we don't have it, the more impatient he gets. And, well, you know how Daffy is."

"Yep, a real blabber beak."

She giggled at his phrasing before she yawned, covering her mouth with her hand as her (E/C) drooped a little.

"Tired, my love?"

"A little." She mumbled as she was practically falling asleep where she sat. Even little sleepy 'z's' were beginning to float above her and Jesse chuckled at the sight. 

He leaned down, peppering her cute face with kisses which she smiled at in her half-asleep state. Jesse picked her up in a bridal manner, leaning her head against his shoulder for support, and began making his way to his car so he could take them back home.

Jesse gazed down at (Y/N), admiring her (H/C) hair, her sweet face, and her glasses that were now completely crooked on her face.

He chuckled to himself at the sight, mumbling, "You are too adorable, Doll."

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