Emilien (Corpse Groom) - So, How Are Things?

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Requested by: MadameBlazeWolf


It was a rare treat for (Y/N), as she was visiting the Land of the Living. After everything that happened up top with her, and her beloved Emilien, Elder Gutknecht had put a hold on any dead going up - lest there be any more trouble.

And, honestly, it may have been for the best.

But, two years had gone by and, with things having calmed and settled, (Y/N) was growing increasingly more curious about her brother. How had things worked out for him? What were he and Victoria up to now? Had he taught her how to play piano? So may questions that she so badly wanted answers to. And she also hoped that Victor wanted to catch up on her life (well, unlife) too.

So, she wrote up a letter, asking Victor if she could come by and visit him and to place his response by the tree where they had first met Emilian. She then handed her note to Elder Gutknecht, and he gladly used his magic to get it to her brother.

It had been two days before she got a response and she had been so excited to receive it. Even Emilien, who was just as excitable as his wife, was surprised by just how happy she was.

She practically ripped open the envelope and read over Victor's careful response. He was thrilled to hear from her and just as eager to catch up. He told her that Saturday would be the perfect time to visit and also included the address of his home, where he and Victoria now happily resided - away from both sets of parents and everything that came with them.

So, today was the day, and she stood happily at the front door, tapping her blue hand excitedly against it. It wasn't long before Victor answered the door and they joyfully laughed before hugging each other close.

However, the moment was slightly ruined when (Y/N) snapped in half, leaving Victor holing her top half up while her bottom half fell limply to the floor.

His eyes widened, in worry more than horror, before his sister sweetly eased, "Don't worry about it. I have been starting to fall apart as of late, guess I've been lucky enough to beat decaying this long."

"Do I...I mean how..."

"Just snap my lower half back in place."


After an awkward moment of using his sister like a puzzle, they made their way to Victor's drawing room. She found it very fitting with a desk perfect for his sketching and a piano in one corner, as grand as any she had ever seen. She also smiled slightly when she noticed the seat by it was much longer than normal, showing that another person could be seated by the instrument.

Victor prepared their tea, making his sister giggle as he brought out the pot and cups. "No servants then?"

The man simply rolled his eyes as he set them down, pouring the tea, as he stated, "You sound just like mother."

"Oh, bury me now."

They both giggled at her words as Victor continued, "She was badgering us to get servants too. I guess that's why we chose a house further away from town. We can do our own thing here and neither mine nor Victoria's parents want to take out time to come all the way out here."

"Sounds peaceful."


They chuckled together, each taking a moment to sip their tea, before (Y/N) said, "I'm glad mother isn't around to stick her nose in everything. Remember how she mad she got when she found out I started locking my room?"

"Or how she begged father for a fur coat so she could show it off to the other ladies at the high tea party?"

"Oh, yeah! Didn't it get stolen or something?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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