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Before I begin with any chapters, I believe setting some rules for these short stories is more than fair. I am, after all, mostly doing this for fun and reader enjoyment while my actual stories are my main focus work. Please read all rules before commenting or requesting.


1. If you want to make a request, please comment it here (Right in this section, rule no. 1). Any other way of requesting will be denied. This is just so I can keep things in order and not scramble around looking for them. However, I will only take requests on characters I have already written about. After all, I don't want to come up with mannerisms, (Y/N) stuff, and anything else that goes into making one of my stories on the spot. It's not fair to me and you all deserve fleshed out characters and storylines. So, if I have not written a character yet and you make a request like this, then it will also be denied.

2. I will give credit to whoever requested the idea. I will also do my own personal chapters if I have a cute idea. 

3. This will not be as regular as normal stories but I'll try my best to keep some consistency and maybe, since they're shorter. No promises on being very consistent though as I too have things going on in life that even keep me away from my main projects so even this might have update challenges.

4. For all you dirty minded individuals - NO SMUT. I do not mind alluding to dirty acts or giving some dirty talk and maybe a small bit of spice. But 1. I am quite uncomfortable with writing smut scenes and 2. I actually have tried in the past and fucking suck at them. So, anything like that will be denied.

5. I make no promises to taking all requests that are commented. I might be busy with other ideas or I actually might decide not to use an idea. It's not guaranteed that I won't like it but sometimes I need creativity to write and some ideas might not inspire me. It's sad, I know, and I do promise to try and do all requests, but there is the chance of this kind of thing occurring and it's only fair that you are warned beforehand about this.

6. This brings me to my final rule. Anything negative or not constructive aimed towards me or any others in the comments, will be deleted. This also goes for anyone who has disregarded the rules. I do not mind constructive criticism or your own opinions on something but bullying and unnecessary/hurtful comments will not be tolerated. I want to build a positive community, thank you. 

I hope all you little bumblebees enjoy this.

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