Esmeraldo - Festival d'Amour

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A/N: This story idea comes from me! There was no way I was ever going to write about the 2nd hunchback movie. I honestly hate it, the animation makes me cry because it is so far from the amazing quality of the first movie and, though I do like the plot, the villain is lack luster, the relationship between Madeline and Quasi doesn't feel as fleshed out like any relationship seen in the first movie, and it just doesn't even come close to being on the same level as the first. I think it's terrible. 

But, in making this decision, I knew I'd regret not having a cute scene between Esmeraldo and (Y/N) during the Festival d'Amour/Love Festival. So, when it was suggested that I do bonus content and I was pondering what ideas I would add, and not requests, I knew immediately that an Esmeraldo love festival scene was going to be at the top of my list.

So, I hope you enjoy!


Times had changed since Frollo's defeat - and all for the better.

People were kinder to one another, no matter who they were or even how they looked. This was especially true for when the Festival of Love came around.

Every year, couples would exchange flowers or particularly brave souls would test their fate and confess their feelings to the person they had feelings for. A stage was also set up right in the middle of the city centre, right in front of Notre Dame. This stage was the most important part of the entire festival, as couples would be able to stand atop it and profess their love for their partner, for all to hear.

Quasimodo was quite excited, as this would be the first festival he was now officially allowed to attend - without the fear of tomatoes being thrown at him or his master forbidding him from attending. He even swung from house to house, in an incredible display of acrobatics and skill that many passers-by awed at, hanging up colourful streamers and decorating every inch of the city in pretty flowers. Clopin was happy for all the help the hunchback provided and Quasimodo was more than happy to help.

Even Phoebus, who was still bound by his captain duties to watch over the festival and make sure no wrong doings occurred, couldn't contain his own excitement. It hadn't been long since the Notre Dame uprising that he had found someone to proclaim his love for on this special day.

After coming to terms that (Y/N) would only ever give her heart to Esmeraldo, he accepted his defeat with grace and he, Quasimodo and (Y/N) had become good friends. But, after a few weeks, he met Désirée, the daughter of the bookshop owner. The two became close and were married not long after. A truly romantic display.

But, the one most excited about the festival, above anyone else, was Esmeraldo. It would be the first time where he could shout out someone's name and show the whole world who he loved - his beautiful angel, (Y/N).

He grinned as he raced towards the cathedral, as her job was to clean off La Fidèle - a special bell that was only rung during the Festival of Love. He grinned at the lovely (F/C) flower that he held in his hand, only imagining the smile that would grace her lovely face when she saw it.

Esmeraldo raced through the cathedral, up the stairs, and all the way to the bell tower. He fixed his wavy black hair before entering, wanting to look presentable for his angel. 

"(Y/N)?" He called out, looking around to see where she was.

"I'm inside La Fidèle!" She shouted back, her voice having a slight echo due to the fact that she was in the bell.

Grinning and unable to be apart from her any longer, he rushed over to the bell, following the soft hum of her voice as she quietly sang to herself while she worked. When he got to the bell, he chuckled slightly as he could just see her feet peeking out from underneath it.

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