Coffee Shop-san

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Being in the third year of high school for Takeru was somehow, despite the piles of homework and assignment sheets, the most enjoyable year so far, if that made any sense. Her classmates said it was sad; they wouldn't be able to stay in touch, they would go separate ways... stuff like that.

Unlike the majority of her peers, Takeru felt no melancholy, no nostalgia, and absolutely no sadness at the thought of going to collage after her high school life ended. Now, some would say that that's horrible, because, well, shouldn't you at least feel a slight attachment to the place you've been loitering around for god knows how long?

Hell no. Takeru wanted to get away. Far away. As far away as possible. Preferably the American East Coast.

Again, some people might think that's horrible, but still.

People in her class claimed jealously because of her ever reigning 1st place on the school ranking boards, and others said she would have no problem getting into whatever collage she pleased, therefore, she had no reason to be worried or sad about the future; rather, she should be expectant and enthused!

More often then not, these people would get really annoying, so Takeru would just walk off while they were in the middle of talking to themselves, but hey, you can't expect her to really want to listen to a whole monologue. No, she was perfectly sane, thank you very much.

"Sakamichi-san, please translate sentence # 11, please."

The silent looks her classmates gave her had always bothered her more than their mindless droning.

Her eyes ran over the English text, humming to herself as she re-read it again. Charles Dickens? Didn't American people have whole collage seminars on this book? Not that she would complain, because she had actually read it before (translated) and it was really quite good, but...

Damn, she thought tiredly, translating's hard. Conversing's much more fun.

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way - in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only."

"Thank you. You may sit."

She nodded as she took her seat, "Yes, Sensei."

She thanked her lucky stars English was the last class of the day. She hated every other subject, save History and Japanese. Math and Science were tiring. Contemperary Lit. made her want to rip her eyeballs from their sockets (not that she didn't like reading, because she did, it was just that she hated Contemporary Literature). Even though she throughly despited most of her classes, that in no possible respect stopped her from getting A's in every single one of them.

If she didn't, who'd know what would happen to that glorious valedictorian status she'd been carefully carving out for herself during her gruesomely boring three years of high school.

The bell sang a wonderful hymn of freedom that made Takeru jump for joy as she leapt for her backpack and hurried to get all her things together.

"Just keep swimming, just keep swimming! What do we do? We swim, swim, swim..." She laughed at her own voice as it cracked and made weird noises as she sang, especially as she skipped down the hall towards the Shirotorizawa Natatorium.

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