You Look Terrible

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"You look terrible. More so than usual."

That was the first thing Ushijima Wakatoshi had said to her the next day, and she threw an empty styrofoam cup at his face.

"Why, thank you," She growled irritably as she started cleaning out one of the many coffee machines the coffee shop with shaky, exhausted hands, a huge yawn following, "I know I look terrible. No need to tell me. Bastard."

He stared at her before tilting his head. "...Low blood pressure?"

"Hell no! I just didn't get any sleep!" Takeru stumbled over to the second coffee maker, and attempted to pour her customer a cup of coffee.

She ended up falling half asleep while she was pouring the coffee, and the scalding liquid flooding right unto her poor, unsuspecting hand.

"Aye, aye, aye! Dammit! Godforsaken-!"

"...Need help?" Ushijima questioned with a sympathetic twitch of his eyebrow. He knew precisely how hot that coffee was, and it didn't seem like it would be the most pleasant experience in the world for someone to have poured right onto their hand.

Takeru gave him a skeptical (painful) expression as she glanced down at the pool of dark, steamy liquid at her feet.

"...Would you?" She asked in a very, very small voice, head bowed as she wrapped her throughly boiled hand up in a towel she had laying around by the coffee machines. "Please?"

The immensely taller boy trotted around the counter and snatched a towel from under the expresso machine, carefully laid it right on top of the big coffee puddle. He then gestured for her hand.

Takeru pouted as she hugged her head with a quiet 'humph!'. "No. I'm not a kid."

Ushijima gave her a look.

She gave him another pout.

"..." He stared.

Takeru shivered and thrusted her hand forward, "Jeez. What a scary face..."

"...Scary?" He questioned as he dragged her over to the sink, turning on the cold water, as to rinse the burned area. Takeru winced slightly and shivered-damn that coffee!

"Y-Yeah," She stuttered, "Have you ever considered, you know, smiling once in a while?"

Ushijima squinted at her as he turned off the faucet, rewrapping her hand in a towel once again. "No...?"

The auburn haired girl huffed, wincing again when he stared dragging her around the counter and to a table.


Takeru gave him a weird eyebrow raise before complying, "Hey, what're ya doing?"

She asked as Ushijima rummaged through his backpack, as if looking for something important.

"Getting gauze."

"Why do you have gauze?"

"...Why must you ask so many questions?"

Takeru laughed as she leaned forward, her eyes dropping tiredly with a yawn.

"'Cause Imma curious person, ya kno?"

Slowly olive green eyes strayed upwards in, twitching slightly at the change of dialect, "..."



"Aw right."

Takeru hummed pleasantly as her towel was stripped away in favor of a more practical gauze wrapping, yawning every so often.

"I'm sleepy," She stated, suddenly patting the head of a kneeling Ushijima. "Cover my shift for me?"


She gasped, horrified, "Ushijima-san! How can you be so mean?!"

The volleyball player merely bounced back onto his feet, giving her a passive look, "How can you change emotions so quickly? I don't comprehend how your brain works. Are you stupid?"

Takeru stuck her tongue out. "Rude!"

Ushijima's face remained an icy block of nothingness as he grabbed her tongue. "Don't."

"...Leph gro..."


"Eiy! Don enor meh!"



Ushijima gave her one last smug look before releasing her tongue, and watched as she gave a dark (read: amusing) glare in his direction as he gathered up his stuff to head off to school. Takeru gave him a pout, staring with piercing hazel eyes as she rounded her back into a slouch.

The volleyball ace glanced at her, a cold expression on his face as he rested his hand on his backpack. With a grunt, he slid an adjacent chair outward, sitting himself down with folded arms and a decisively unpleasant frown on his face.


"...No morning practice today."

Takeru gave him a confused tilt of the head as she stared at him, squinting her eyes into a very odd looking face.

"Ushijima-san, I don't understand you at all. It's frustrating. Please, make more sense."

"Yes. I suppose I'll try." He replied monotonously.

She gasped, her hand flying her her mouth, fake tears collecting in the edges of her eyes as she flung herself out of her chair, in hopes of giving the situation a bit of dramatic flare, "Ushijima-san! How can you lie to me like that?!"

"Are you even sane?"

"Yes, perfectly."

Ushijima snorted.

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