How Undignified

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She handed Ushijima his coffee the next morning, looking slightly less terrible than she did the other day.

While handing over the tall boy's coffee, Takeru had looked up at him, her eyes sparkling madly as she pressed her hands together, looking up at the ceiling while smiling, eyes closed.

"Jesus Christ, it's Friday. Finally. Goodness, I thought it would never end."

Ushijima gave her a deadpan look that made Takeru want to slap him upside the head, but she wisely held her annoyance in as she started going about the shop, grinding coffee grounds and turning on lights and machines and that sort of stuff. Ushijima, who wasn't in the mood to be standing up and wasting energy for no reason, calmly took a seat at a two-topper by one of the coffee shop's many windows.

"Inter-high," She chirped from across the room, "Uh, where's Inter-high for you volleyball folks?"

"Sendai Gymnasium." He replied as he sipped on his coffee, rummaging through his backpack as he searched for his incomplete homework. "You ask because?"

Takeru smiled happily, trotted over to his table, taking a seat at the vacant chair opposite to Ushijima as she hummed, "Well, you see, the Swim Team's competing at the Sendai Natatorium across the street, you know? I was wondering if I could go for one of your games, if that's okay, Mr. Ace." Takeru paused, tapping the table with her index finger as she glanced up the the brunette.

"Wait, you are the ace right? I really wouldn't know... uh..."

With a sigh, her acquaintance nodded, "I suppose you can me that."

"So?" The auburn haired girl inquired with a raised brow, " What's your answer?"

"It doesn't matter to me."

"Heartless!" Takeru accused jokingly as she stood up from her chair, "Ushijima-san, how can you be so insensitive? At least act like you care! You'll never get a-"

"-But I really don't care." Ushijima injected coldly as he looked up from his papers, staring at Takeru with narrowed olive eyes, "So, if you'd shut up, I'd be able to complete my assignment."

The young barista pouted as she sat back down folding her arms, sticking her tongue out at her customer as she eyeballed him in a distasteful, almost accusatory way.

"Meanie," She muttered as she jutted her lip farther out, turning her head towards the windows.

The volleyball ace sighed, glancing down at his work once again, and began writing, "Sulking never helped anyone anywhere, Sakamichi-san."

"Probably not," Takeru huffed, stilling looking at the windows, "-But you're still a meanie."

"I heard the first time."

"Good. Now you get to hear it a third time, you meanie."

Ushijima's eye floated from his paper to the auburn haired barista, frowning at her with a decidedly unpleasant scowl on his face."...Sakamichi-san."

Takeru turned her head to look at the brunette, and countered the look with an irritated grin, her eyes subtly twitching as she did. "Ushijima-san?" She purred with a nasty looking smirk starting to make it's way onto her face. "Do you perhaps have something you'd like to say?"

"What a creepy face."

"Gah-!" Takeru promptly choked on her own spit, and fell out of her chair, writhing on the floor into a heap of uncontrollable giggles.

Ushijima gave her one last look, and cringed.

"How undignified."

"Undignified my ass!" She said between fits of laughter, "You can't you around telling girl's their faces are creepy!"

The brunette sighed, exasperatingly pinching the bridge of his nose, "If that's the case... Why on earth are you laughing? I do not comprehend. You are clearly not mentally well."

Takeru chuckled as she hopped onto her feet, grinning widely as she curtsied, "Well, I happened to fine it extremely ironic, coming from Mr. I-Enjoy-Haunting-Little-Children's-Dreams-With-My-Horrifying-Scowl. But seriously, any other girl would've had a hissy fit." Takeru glanced to the side, adding to soft mutter of, "Well, I think. Not sure. Bleh."

Ushijima tilted his head, giving her a surprising innocent look as he furrowed his eyebrows. "I certainly do not haunt children's dreams. That's simply rude, Sakamichi-san."

"That's rich, coming from you." She barked sarcastically as she sat herself back in her seat, before her eyes widened.

"Wait, I think this is possibly the longest conversation I've had with you! That's like, a miracle!" Takeru smacked her hands against the table repeatedly as she grinned victoriously. "I've won! I need nothing else in life! I made Ushijima Wakatoshi crack!"

The person mentioned gave her a dry stare as he when back to writing. 

"I hope we can keep this conversation as our longest. I'd rather not have anymore, in fact."

"Wah-! So mean!"

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